
Monster StoreCharlotte tapped her little size-6 foot daintily on the ground

Charlotte tapped her little size-6 foot daintily on the ground, waiting for her father to put her luggage in the cab so she could be off to wherever she had to be. Oh, that's right...New York.

New York was supposed to be a scary city. Charlotte knew it. She had watched TV and read books and glanced at the newpapers in the mornings. New York was a nightmare. It wasn't clean, or neat, or orderly. It was chaos. And if there was one thing that Charlotte didn't like, it was chaos.

"There you go Char, all ready for the airport," dear old dad said. Charlotte ran her hands through ehr brown hair, flashed him a sad smile, and got into the cab holding a copy of Anna Karenina while dreading the very moment she would have to set foot in the sinful big city.

* * *

Chase never really cared much as to how women wanted to be treated. They were just cute, and hot, and,Vibram Shoes, well, nice to play with. Especially the ones with the nice bodies. Especially those.

Chase had remarkably good looks. He had crisp, sparkly blue eyes from his mom, and a tall, lean, and muscular body from his dad. His smarts weren't too bad either. Chase knew he was gorgeous....he just didn't like to use it for good.

"Hey cutie," Chase said, stepping up to a redhead outside of the local cafe. She blushed and turned away from him and hobbled down the street. Chase shook his head. 'Girls...they're so weird sometimes,' he thought to himself as he pushed open the door to the cafe. Time to make his magic.

* * *

After an hour or so flight, since Virginia wasn't that far away from New York, Charlotte had finally reached her destination. This was the big apple, and it was exactly what she had expected.

New York City was pretty....it it's own way, but it looekd sort of drab with broken street lights while time square was buzzed with shiny lights and millions of people. Other corners got no respect it seemed. It reminded Charlotte a lot of herself.

Charlotte was staying with her aunt Vicky, having no where to go during the summer, her parents had decided to ship her off here. It was an adventure in it's own of course. Charlotte would've like to seen the Statue of Liberty, and aunt Vicky had promised to take her there.

When the cabbie dropped her off at aunt Vicky's condo and Charlotte had knocked on the door, it was quite a sight to see. Aunt Vicky was a heavy spender who indulged on unecessary things. She favored cigars over all of them though.

"Charlotte, dearie, I haven't seen you in forever,Moncler Online! Look at how much you've grown,Beats Headphones!" Aunt Vicky exclaimed. She was happy, even with a cigar that could kill her in her mouth.

Charlotte smiled. "Hey aunt Vicky, I think I'll just drop my stuff here and be back around 10:00 or so?" she said. Anything to get away from her crazy aunt. Anything. Even the dump people called New York City.

So, with 20 bucks in her pocket, her cell phone forgotten in her bag in aunt Vicky's condo, and a nervous heart swimming around inside her chest, Charlotte headed out to see New York City.

About half a mile into the walk, Charlotte stumbeld upon a quaint little cafe. The name was a bit French like, so she couldn't pronounce it. She walked in. Maybe this would be the highlight of her summer trip to New York instead of the suburbs.

The inside of the cafe was cute and chic. It had white walls with tiny little roses dotting the top and the bottom. They ran in rows. The cafe had a pink, white, and a bit of a silver theme in it. It was all very girly, and French-y, so Charlotte was surprised to see a guy in a table in the far back...especially when he stole a glance at her.

* * *

Chase did one look at the girl that had just walked through the cafe doors and did a double take. She was hot. Really hot. Tall, blonde, nice legs, and....she kinda looked dumb.

'This is gonna be easy,' Chase thought to himself. He chuckled and rubbed his hands together. Looked like this girl here was going to be his new girlfriend. Sweet.

The bell of the cafe jangled again and brunette entered the cafe. The girl looked average, normal, kinda sweet. She wasn't from New York, Chase could tell. Although she wasn't Chase's type, she was still cute. Maybe he could work on her if his attempt on the blonde failed.

"Hey, you, can I offer you a drink?" he asked the blonde who he had been eyeing. The girl giggled and nodded as she shooed the friends who had been there before her away. Easy, just like he thought.

* * *

About 30 minutes later, Chase had found out her name was Yancy, and her phone number. Since she had to leave, Chase escorted her to her car...and after she left, he had dashed back to the cafe.

It was back to picking up another chick. Chase ordered a frappuccino and flirted a bit with the waitress. The brunette he had saw earlier was still in the cafe. He could try to charm her next. Maybe he might even get a kiss.

"Would you like some pie?" the waitress asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Sure," Chase replied, and winked at her as if they were sharing an inside joke. The waitress blushed and ran into the kitchen to geth im some. Chase laughed a small little chortle and turned his attention back to his frappuccino.

He was about to turn to his side to head to the brunette. But to his surprise, she was right there beside him.

* * *

Charlotte couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. Who exactly did he think he was? She knew she shouldn't interfere, but to just sit by and do nothing was even worse.

"Hi, nice to meet you,Coach Bag Sale, the name is Charlotte, and what the heck are you doing, flirting with that waitress while your girlfriendjust left the cafe, hmm?" she asked, an angry look popping up immediatly.

"I'm not dating her," the guy next to her said, and took a sip of what looked a like frappuccino. He did it calmly too, which made Charlotte want to go wild.

"So? You're just a jerky player!" she screamed, loud enough for more than half of the customers in the cafe to hear. Well, oops.

* * *

This cute, sweet,Monster Store, little brunette did not just scream that. Now none of the girls in this cafe would even look at him. Crap.

What was even worse? The brunette was still running her mouth, yapping yapping yapping away. Chase had to make her shut up. So, he did it the only way he knew he could.

He kissed her.

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