
Louboutin Shoes*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Breakfast is rea

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Breakfast is ready" you stated in a fake normal voice, your hands slighty shaking as you poured Momiji a cup of tea. "Th-thanks" He murmured, looking down at the table with a beat red face. Of course he's not going to look at me, even with my clothes on You thought smugly as your cheeks burned. Haru eyed you two suspiciously. "What's up with you two?" Hatori asked, the same look on his face as Haru's. You both looked up at him. "N-Nothing!" You then turned to each other, surprised. "That's good. Now where's my food?" Haru asked boredly,obvious that his patientce and care was lacking quickly. You grinned. "Right here!" "Yummy" Momiji said as he dug into his fluffy crepe. "Yeah! And I made yours with bananas and whipped cream! Is it good?" You asked him, smiling crookedly. He looked up at you with a surprised gape. "Er, yeah. Yeah! It's really yummy!" He replied brightly, a massive grin forming on his face. "Mine has blueberries. Right?" Haru asked. "Yup! Mine has gooey cherries with whipped cream and Hatori's has gooey strawberries since they're his favorite!" You chirped with a smile, taking a bite of your crepe. "How did you know they're my-" "Remember when you came an visited us? Me, you, and Auntie made them" You answered, looking into the distance with a soft face. "Ooh yeah. I remember that. Your's and Kana's crepe's turned out perfect. My crepe was crap" Hatori said, a small smile on his face as he looked at you. You looked back and smiled, nodding your head softly. Momiji and Haru laughed. "Heh heh heh Crepe? Crap? That's a good one!" Momiji giggled. You and Hatori smiled softly,Moncler Coats, remembering the memory. That was so long ago, it seems like a lifetime ago. I wonder if it feels that way for Uncle I wondered,Louboutin Shoes, glancing at him. He had already began to eat again, although the smile on his face was still there, even though he tried not to show it. Your smile grew a little bit more as you began to eat too, happy that Hatori wasn't sad.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Momiji*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "I love Saturdays don't you Ai?" I asked as we walked, our arms linked, towards the city. "Yep! Aww Akito, everyday is basically Sunday for you isn't it!? That's not fair" Ai pouted at Akito who was on her side. "Yeah, but it get's pretty boring after a while" Akito replied, looking down at Ai with a small smile. She smiled back. "Mmmmm...So where are we going? Out to eat? Or shop? Or the park? Or for ice cream?" I chatted, grinning as Akito sighed. "You talk too much and too fast" He muttered, making Ai giggle. " Hmmm...Let's go out to eat! Where would you like to go Akito? Momiji?" Ai asked, looking first at Akito and then me. Akito looked up a little, his eyes a little wider than usual. "I don't...really know. I've never eaten out before" Akito admitted, looking back down at Ai with a apologetic smile "That's ok! We'll take you to the best place in town!" I exclaimed cheerfully, a wide smile on my face. "Where's that?" Ai and Akito asked at the same time. "Hmmmm...Sanoko's! But they're extremely expenssive, plus everyone dresses really nicely-" "Alright then! First we'll go shopping for a new outfit each and then we'll go there!" Ai stated, turning down a different block and heading for the mall. "How can we-" "Afford that? My daddy's visa" Ai answered, giggling as she took out a thin strip of gold. I grinned and she giggled before pulling us into the humungous shopping center for goths to preps, emos to nerds, sophisticated to trashy. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "How's this outfit?" Ai asked as she walked out of the dressing room. Both me and Akito gasped slightly. (The blonde of course except you're way tinier) "You...It's...wow" I sputtered out, blushing as she gave me a breath taking smile. "Thanks. Are you two ready?" She asked, pulling all her tags off and handing them to a clerk along with her credit card. "Yeah" Both Akito and I answered, standing up in our black pants and white collar shirts. "You have the ties on, where's the jackets?" Ai asked as we walked out of the store. "We decided that would be too much" Akito said, almost grinning. "Is this the place?" Ai asked as we stood in front of a huge building, a red carpet pulled out on the walk-in. "Yep!" I answered, taking her hand and pulling her in. "Velcome to Zanako's" A man said with a smile. We smiled back. "Hello" "How many een your varty?" "Three" "Zis way" He said, turning on his heel and heading towards an elevator. When it opened Ai giggled. There, standing next to the level changer, was an extremely short man with a puckered face wearing a red uniform. "Zird level pleez" The man gave a curt nod before pulling the lever down. Ai clung to my sleeve. "I've always hated elevators" She whispered, hiding her face in my sleeve. I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "Third floor" The midget announced, his voice tired. We all smiled at him as we walked by. "Thank you" "Thanks!" "Merci bou que" The man's face lit up a little and he smiled, pulling the wrinkles on his face up. I couldn't help but giggle. "Heeer ve are, I vill be back to take your order in a vittle vile. Vat would you like to drink?" The man asked, taking out a notepad. "Sweet tea!" "Uhn lemonide si vous plait" "Rasberry tea please" "Very good" The waiter said, bowing as he left. "Wow this place is really cool!" Ai murmured, looking up at the angel-mosaic-covered ceiling. "I like how that angel is laying on that cloud. He just looks so peacful and carefree" Ai said dreamily, resting her face in her hand. "Me too" "Yeah" I glanced around, looking at all the snobby overly-dressed people eat. "I bet ten dollars there's not a single peson besides us who hasn't had plastic surgery" I whispered. Ai giggled and Akito smirked. "Hmmm....What do we want to eat?" Ai asked, opening her menu. "I think I want..the lassanga. I had it last time and it was delicious" Momiji decided, folding his menu and laying it aside. "I'm going to have......Mmmmmmm.." Akito trailed off, looking at the menu. "Hey Akito, wanna share the nacho supreme?" Ai asked, not looking up from her menu. Akito smiled and nodded. I couldn't help but chuckle. "What? What's so funny?" What's so funny? A month ago Akito would kill anyone who asked if they wanted to share food. He never smiled and never thought about laughing, but now... "Ooh noothing!" I said in a sing-song voice, smiling as the waiter came back. "Vay I take your ozer?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "This is really good" Ai moaned as she pulled a gooey cheese, gwakamoli, onion, sour cream, and tomato covered chip out of the humungous mound. "It is pretty good" Akito agreed, delicately taking out a chip as well. "Would you like to try mine Ai?" I asked, holding my fork up to her. She smiled cutely and leaned closer, her mouth open. "Mmmmmm that's really yummy" She groaned, leaning back in her seat and moaning to the ceiling. "Hmmmmmm...Know what? We need to find Haru a girlfriend. He really needs one dontcha think?" Ai chatted happily, eating her food. I choked a little and looked at Akito, afraid of what he would do. He's acting....calm?! "ER, y-yeah. He does need a girlfriend doesn't he.." I said nervously, still glancing at Akito. "Yep! Maybe she could cure his black side" Ai said grimly,Moncler Online Shop, shivering. Akito chuckled. "Yes, maybe. You better keep an eye out for one. She'd have to be gorgeous, smart alleck-y, and calm most of the time but have an edge to heR" Akito commented, taking a sip of his iced rasberry tea. I nearly fell out of my chair. He's ok with this!? He's agreeing with her!? What!? Ai smiled . "You too Akito,Moncler Down Jackets! We need to find someone for you too! Hmm...You and my cousin would most definately get along, people say she's a betch when I'm not around, but I don't really believe them. She's the head of our family like you!" Ai continued,Beats By Dre Headphones, sipping her lemonaide. Akito blinked twice and I giggled. "What? I'm serious! As soon as we get home I'm calling her!" Ai declaired, making a fist in determination. Akito groaned and layed his head on the table. "That reminds me Ai, your...er,......The woman who's married to your dad called yesterday." I informed Ai who frowned. "Really? What did she want?" Ai asked, lying her fork down. "She wouldn't tell me, but she said she'd call back again eventually" I replied, frowning as well. "Oh. Well, ok then!" Ai said, changing her entire expression and voice. She's faking *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I smiled sweetly at Momiji and began to eat again as if nothing was wrong. Eventually he sighed and continued to eat, his gaze shifting away from me. I slowly chewed my food, deep in thought. Why would she call? What reason would make her call?! She hates me! She wouldn't even let me go to their wedding! I sighed heavily in my mind as I picked up a scoop of gwacamoli. I know she'll call back. Until then I'm just going to have to enjoy every minute of my wonderful life here, with the people I love most. Akito, Torhu, Haru, Uncle, Kisa, Yuki, Ritsu, Kagura...Momiji. I glanced up at him to look at his pretty little face, his creamy skin, his golden eyes, his sun colored hair. I sighed softly, hoping to God that my new 'mummy' wasn't calling for the reason I thought she was. What if...What if they want me to move back or something? Would I be able to do that? Momiji looked up at me and smiled, just as something warm incased my hand underneath the table. Momiji's fingers intwined with mine as he squeezed my hand, a secret made-up sign language that meant one thing. I love you I squeezed back and smiled, my stomache wrenching. If I did have to chose, would I chose my father or the love of my life?

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