
Beats By Dre HeadphonesI left a comment on someone's journal just now that I know will get deleted a

I left a comment on someone's journal just now that I know will get deleted and she will probably ban me. I didn't post it to cause dramaz or hurt. Iposted it because homophobic actions and words ,Dre Dre Beatsneed to be called out when they occur ... especially if they are done by people who are not homophobic. I call people out (all the time,Beats By Dre Headphones!) on using the phrase "that's so gay" for the very same reason. There is no hate or malice directed at those people when I call them out but it is often seen as such. It still needs to be done and I will always continue to do so.
I find it pretty disturbing that you are equating protests about rights being taken away from a minority group with persecution [against your church]. In fact,Cheap Sunglasses, I find that down right offensive. You voted to take rights away from people. Those people were angry and very rightfully so. I would be angry as well if my rights were taken away because a powerful church decided that they had any say in politics or how non-church people lived their lives.
You voted for segregation. Separate is NOT equal. It never has meant equal and it never will. *You* may not be homophobic but your vote was.
Iknow you asked for people to defriend you without commenting but I cannot. I've seen too many irl friends get hurt (physically and emotionally) from homophobic actions or words and I take it upon myself (as a human and future educator) to *never* be silent in the presence of homophobic actions or words.
I still respect you and wish you well. I am sorry you feel hurt and upset by what is happening and hope you find peace.
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