
UGG Ireland 09 walk south documentary forty-six Lushan Lushan meeting site

2009 年 4 月 Sunday, 19

Kwu Ling town southwest of the East Valley next to the long red river, east of the river near the U.S. House. Along the west slopes, is the orderly layout of the whole of the old villas low density. Old house has a number, there are many celebrities lived: for example, Yang Shangkun villa, villa Xiannian, Zhu De Villa, Deng Xiaoping, villas, etc.; Another hotel was built in nursing homes, such as Lushan nursing homes, nursing homes People's Liberation Army, the Air Force nursing homes ... ...

read the description: a number of state agencies and many provincial and municipal leaders in Lushan with nursing homes,UGG Ireland, in terms of history or reality of the situation, the Lushan's really Feng Shui is indeed a rare treasure.

15:54 Lushan meeting site (Lushan People's Theatre)

Lushan was built in 1937 after the liberation of the people's theater is called, originally called Lushan auditorium. Chiang Kai-shek to many in the KMT After the founding of New China, the CPC Central Committee in 1959,1961 and 1970 in the Lushan meeting held here three times.

lifetime of this Republican era and today is still a magnificent building solemn, this is not just any building that can have. Simple and dignified brick walls of rock, and totally rocks around the same color; arched openings inherits the characteristics of ancient Chinese architecture; the building body is surrounded by a large span of rectangular steel window, is conducive to light; look around the roof as well parapet around, in front of a blue forShan also used as a decorative glazed tile everywhere ... ... reflect the impressive architectural aesthetics.

floor exhibition room, Penglao Zong wrote in 1959, Chairman Mao's In the context of the Great Leap Forward in 1959 that the Lushan Conference, was supposed to correct the leftist errors, then become a critical right-wing ideology, in the end, and the

middle layer is the audio-visual room. Loop of about 20 minutes,
came from the side corner two-story staircase, second floor auditorium reproduction of the 1970 Second Session of the Ninth CPC original venue. Placed in the middle podium portrait of Mao Zedong, neat long table and chair, a desk is the all-Jingdezhen cup with lid and smoke cup (listen and explain all of the original used 39 years ago), and participants the name of the signs ... ... the last scene they are in front!

my interest from the channel near the rostrum, the long table on stage five brand names are (left to right): Kang Sheng, Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong , Lin Biao, Chen Boda, who was then five Politburo Standing Committee.

the session on the podium in this, despite repeated objections of Mao Zedong, his close ally, the party's deputy commander in chief, President Lin proposed the establishment of a sudden ... ... as early as 1958, Mao Zedong himself improperly President made it clear that this position is none other than the inevitable non-Lin! After a fierce rivalry, Chairman Mao crushed the conspiracy of Lin Biao, Chen Boda has become a scapegoat, the closing session on the podium only four left here. Lushan meeting that plans to seize power after the Lin Biao and the complete bankruptcy.

site next to the Lushan Conference, as well as two Republican Architecture: Chiang Kai-shek Officers Training Corps building site and Lushan. At that time we do not know, ignore their existence. It also shows the importance of the free exercise of pre-homework!

theater next to the two bridges on the mountain, a stone bridge wooden bridge. Standing on the bridge, in front of the stream rushing down the river all the way to song and laughter,UGG Ireland, provoked bursts of cool spray mist, floating on the water ... ... water flow greatly, thanks to the heavy rain yesterday night did not stop.

day is still light rain, when we are ready to leave, surprised to find mountain forest began to dim up, foggy! Mountains, the weather that they please.

17:05 Lushan Villa Road

old villa plan very well, three vertical and twelve horizontal nine hillside road split this piece into a similar area of ​​land. Rain, mountain road, especially living in the quiet ... ... Lushan, people really enjoy, even just a walk in here,UGG Ireland, but also all sorts of pleasant.

in the three-way and in the middle of an old four-story villa area. To learn more about the unique historical and cultural heritage Lushan, we pleased to go!

be continued, more space for pictures stored in the album ... ...

