
UGG Boots The emotions of others can be aware of the intention

Effectively understand others and good ability to interact with others.

This intelligent students of the dominant features:

1, like when the peacemaker. 2, there are a lot of friends, in school or community there are many social activities.

3, participate in extra-curricular activities, like playing group games with other children. 4, compassion for others.

develop interpersonal intelligence interesting approach

● for children to create more opportunities to interact with other children. Such as mutual visits, holidays, going out together to play and so on.

● communicate often with partners to share ideas. ● Try to make a new friend every day.

● practice observing people in public places, such as shops, parks, observe others, body language, facial expressions, see the discussion

to and understanding of its meaning. ● initiative to help others, to volunteer or service organizations.

● work together to complete the formation of joint teams or work. ● take part in group games and activities such as Boy Scout summer camp.

● promote the development of interpersonal intelligence, the first features to help children understand, to understand their function. If the object with your eyes to determine the size of the ear to distinguish objects with sound, taste the taste of food with the tongue, hands feeling warm and cold objects, thickness and so on. Second, we should give children the opportunity to let him participate in a variety of sensory awareness activities. For example, for children to be good at discovering other people's characteristics; help him quickly identify movies or TV where the characters are as villains; encourage him to play drama and comedy: After reading a drama, the play with him about his role as asked him to play in describing the characteristics of the main characters again. Finally, it should help children master the method of observation, in the correct order of things from a variety of angles.

● Parents should spend more time with their children to stay together, you can hold a family meeting to discuss the housework, and harmony, or some games, so in touch with friends.

interpersonal intelligence to enhance the use of other methods of intelligence

improve physical - athletic ability: people can learn new activities together. Participate in dance classes or martial arts classes, and friends walking,UGG Boots, jogging and cycling.

improve language skills: parents and children together to discuss the book being read, or to organize a reading group for children and other children with reading, role-play and so on.

improve logic - mathematical ability: playing with friends math games, riddles and puzzles for everyone to find collective solutions.

space to increase: and friends together to participate in art classes, drawing or painting walls and other group activities.

to improve the music: with friends and family to enjoy music and talk. Participate in some arts organizations, the opportunity to learn more types of music. to improve self-awareness

: talk with people in their best performance, why people like to be your friend. Also think about their own deficiencies, how to improve.

enhance the natural order: let the children participate in a cause he really cares about the environment. He and other environmentalists in the process of collaboration learn a lot.

intrapersonal intelligence: self-understanding and the ability to be good at self-reflection, to a correct understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, to grasp their emotions, intentions, motivations, desires, on his own life planning, to self-esteem, self-discipline, will learn from the strengths of others, likes to work independently. In children, human self-consciousness is taking shape, so intrapersonal intelligence is not yet revealed.

This intelligence is characterized by a strong student:

1, the will is strong, independent personality. 2, to discuss a controversial topic, views strongly.

3, like to live in their own inner world. 4, likes to be alone, to pursue their own interests.

5, appears to have self-confidence. 6, behavior or attitude clothing, unique, sui generis

7, can be self-motivated, independent completion of the study subject.

interesting to develop intrapersonal intelligence methods

● Ask the children think of themselves as kind of, including likes, dislikes, what hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, and he could think of things done ● memories of dreams, think about these dreams are What is the significance.

● parents that their children develop a day with three minutes to think about what their habits were today.

● memories of their own to guide their children often have good performance, be praised, there is a sense of accomplishment thing.

● good time management plan and emotional adjustment. ● with your child to develop goals and implement the plan.

● To make a child

● Parents and children should be some parent-child quiz, let the children express their thoughts. For example, you can ask him

● can be done to a baby with you, such as cleaning with his little room, placing dishes and other meals.

● Everything in life can be used as introspective material, it is important parental involvement. When the children were young, they can help him a diary every day read to him, and then ask the children's ideas. Introspection not simply view the error, also includes a review of good mood and behavior, so as to let him know his full emotions, but can also encourage him to do the right thing.

other smart use of intrapersonal intelligence methods to enhance

improve physical - exercise in order to: participation in sports, when in the exercise of concentration, or meditation.

improve language skills: writing his autobiography. For children to talk about his childhood things, so that children can describe what the future want to be like, want to do later, you can also express their feelings.

improve logic - mathematical ability: to help kids find their favorite things in the law. You like things have in common? To explore the mysteries of the brain, different parts of the brain to see what kind of functionality in the end play.

increased space to: Play a variety of audio tapes to guide their children to listen to see what will produce the feeling of visual and association.

to improve the music: let the children choose a child like singing a song on behalf of a year, think about why the want to hear it, it gives you what feels like.

improve interpersonal skills: to find some people who have common interests together to do one thing.

enhance the natural order: a walk, take a look at the surrounding environment. Engaged in nature, what kind of feelings? Why is this feeling? Recover the use of things from nature (such as pine cones, leaves and feathers) production craft, the environment or natural expression of feelings.

linguistic intelligence: refers to the effective use of oral language and writing ability. This smart feature for the advantage of the students is:

1, like writing. 2, likes to tell a story, tell jokes.

3, it will remember the name, address, telephone, miscellaneous news. 4, free time like to read.

5, good at spelling, correct. 6, like the songs rhyme or tongue twister.

7, love to play puzzle or other word games.

interesting to develop linguistic intelligence methods

● play word games, do all sorts of interesting puzzle games and lyricist. Friends or family together and play this game.

● use tape recorders to record their own or someone else's passage, and then listen to this recording, in order to modify their tone, tone, grammar.

● kids often go to the library or bookstore, reading corner at home can open up more and children read together.

● develop a habit of keeping a diary, and he can be bound into books written essay, a family publication.

● Parents can text and life experiences have been linked to oral language and can give a child a story, help him to read the meaning of words and sentences, as much as possible so that children do not rely on plug-and to listen to the language understand the story, let him pay attention to the shape of the book characters, read with your fingers trace the words, you can use the words of some plastic or wooden children touch, to help children remember the words, when children take the initiative to ask about words, phrases, when to be patient to tell him. ● learning another language.

● You can also start teaching children to write words. Let your child use a pen to write on paper before you can draw in the sand with a wooden hand to the word or words painted sandpaper, etc. Children will use a pen, parents should encourage children to write their own improvisational ideas, without having to care about the word neat and correct (parents can write another paper to see the child the right words).

● often with children about things or thoughts, and guide the children to their own ideas or opinions expressed.

use language other smart ways to enhance intelligence

to improve the music: his own words or rhyming words dubbed songs to help learn the melody and rhythm.

improve logic - mathematical ability: problem-solving process has been in discussion with their own.

space to improve: When reading, the person or imagine what the scene looks.

improve physical - exercise can: attend kindergarten or school plays, or compiled together with friends repertory, imagine how you show character to walk, how to sit or even how to sneeze!

improve interpersonal skills: observing the people around, try to use the correct view to convince others. increased self-awareness

to: keep a diary, observing their use of emotional diary; or a few minutes to think about every day are done today, what is right and what is wrong.

enhance the natural order: using language to explain things in nature and around all observed. Why Tom and Jerry can not get along? Why is grass green?

musical intelligence: sensitivity to perceive pitch, melody, rhythm and sound capabilities.

This intelligent students of the dominant features:

1, play musical instruments. 2, remember tunes.

3, to tell you tune up. 4, like while reading, listening to music.

5, collecting music CD or tape. 6, sing to yourself.

7, follow the music beat time.

interesting musical intelligence training methods

● hum and sing their own bath. ● a formal application classes to learn a musical instrument.

● singing together at home or KTV. ● In the study, eating more quiet time, play some music.

● listen to the melody or rhythm of naturally occurring (insects and birds singing, wind, rain, etc.).

● Xing create some music with, such as the words he wanted to sing with the familiar melody.

● singing songs or poems. ● often listen to classical music, nature, music, movies, music appreciation.

● take part in live performances or concerts. ● foster interest in the instrument preferences.

● parents to listen to the rhythm of his music stronger, parents can allow children to practice the rhythm from the simple melody, pitch in forward and let him take the storm with music notation. Learning keyboard is a good choice during this period, because keyboard in rhythm, melody, pitch, and to cultivate children's music has a significant interest in the role.

musical intelligence to enhance the use of other methods of intelligence

improve physical - athletic ability: With the music do the movements, like in any way, is not necessarily dance.

to improve the language: the spelling of the word or words to be accompanied by music, like the ABC song.

improve logic - mathematical ability: mathematics is also accompanied by music, with the familiar melody cameo algorithms, formulas, and so on.

increased space to: Play a variety of audio tapes to guide their children to listen to see what will produce the feeling of visual and association.

improve interpersonal skills: the concert and see how other people to enjoy music. Play music with others. to improve self-awareness

: prefer to listen to music before, to see whether there are changes in tastes, whether the same song with different meanings.

enhance the natural order: listening to the music of nature. To the outdoors, from the sound of birdsong or traffic in order to feel melody. Some animals, insects, nature sounds make you think of some of the instruments.

spatial intelligence: good use of three-dimensional way of thinking and performance ability.

spatial intelligence is characterized by a strong student:

1, like to spend time creating art. 2, the thinking, the brain has a clear image.

3, good at reading maps, tables and graphics. 4, good at drawing.

5, like watching movies, slides and photographs. 6, like puzzles and mazes.

7, do a lot of daydreaming.

interesting to develop spatial intelligence methods

● mind when reading the image must be present, it may read the book ● three-dimensional image viewing some of the visual illusion

● play puzzle, Rubik's Cube, maze games ● need to practice imaginative look at the map, identify location

● Encourage your child to be drawing to show the application of thinking to make people understand that he wants to express.

● spend a few minutes to look around, enjoy a variety of details,UGG Boots, such as the angle of the sun, playground facilities, or any other shape of things to attract attention ● take part in artistic activities such as painting, sculpture exhibition other

● layout of a color coordinated to help children, a beautiful living environment, to provide them with enough visual stimulation.

● different colors you can let your child pictures of strokes, write notes, or use different colors of paper, cards, organize notes, write reports

report to guide the child's memory of the color line; archive, organize the information they read, the children learn the knowledge but also easy to review.

● learning photography, the visual impression with the camera will record. ● Select a painting or sculpture class lesson

● from natural or artificial features, look for some images. Such as clouds, building shape and so on.

● lived with muffled eyes, guided by the parents in the house or hospital room around the probe.

other intelligent use of space intelligence methods to enhance

to improve the music: making art, invented the idea of ​​listening to music.

improve language skills: reading, enjoy the imagined characters and background, to make it more vivid. Also for the article with illustrations.

improve logic - mathematical ability: the math problem or science experiment painted graphics to help understand the problem.

improve physical - exercise in order to: a lot of space - Graphics intelligence activities involving physical movement, such as painting, sculpture and so on.

improve interpersonal skills: a high spatial intelligence (artistic talent) allows you access to many people who have the same interests, or to teach others to expand the circle of contacts. to improve self-awareness

: sketch diary to record the use of a variety of new ideas. The daily life, their own sense of longing or painted pictures.

enhance the natural order: to a natural attractions, observe the surrounding environment, to draw down the most interesting things that can be plant or animal.

logical - mathematical intelligence: effective use of figures, calculations, reasoning, assumptions, and the ability to think.

this intelligence for the advantage of students is characterized by:

1, quick mental arithmetic. 2, like to use the computer.

3, like to think about issues, such as start time is when?

4, love and good at playing chess or other games with the brain. 5, like to use logical reasoning.

6, to design experiments to validate their own do not know something. 7, spend a lot of time playing educational toys, such as the Rubik's Cube

interesting to develop logical-mathematical intelligence methods

● the use of strategy and logic to play the game. Such as chess, checkers, dominoes, etc.

● induce children to events, stories, ideas and criticism of the film made.

● watch television in the teaching of science and mathematics programs, or visit the Science Museum, Planetarium and other places, thinking of the scientific issues and questions and answers.

● buy some test equipment or materials, let the children do some testing yourself

● buy a set of encyclopedias, which can take full advantage of the knowledge of the children's training.

● parents can often tell children to play games with numbers, and the use of life opportunities to teach children math. For example, take the stairs, the number of steps can be with their children; supermarket shopping, you can buy a few kids with a few things; play the game, he can count a few blocks and so on.

● teach children to practice simple mental arithmetic.

● learn to operate a computer, can learn a simple software operation

● Encourage your child to do more in life observation, the use of everyday objects to see what a scientific theory.

● thinking about some of the reasoning of the problem, buy some books on child training.

logical-mathematical intelligence to enhance the use of other methods of intelligence

to improve the music: listening to music mode, a variety of rhythm and rhyme may be able to attract children.

improve language skills: reading detective stories, use logical reasoning to explain

space to improve: attempts to create visual images in math or science. For example, observe the shape of irregular fragments, crystals, and prism, or snow with a microscope or tiny creatures.

improve physical - exercise can: attend kindergarten or school plays, or compiled together with friends repertory, performed by the children to imagine how people walk, how to sit or even how to sneeze!

improve interpersonal skills: the introduction of competition in sports, computing score; concerned about changes in a variety of sports scores, thinking scores and the relationship between the performance of athletes. to improve self-awareness

: let the children in their own lives to find patterns. A better understanding of life through science and the environment, thinking about the relationship with the surrounding environment.

enhance the natural order: to know more about animal and plant science, observation of natural phenomena, ask questions, find answers.

body-kinesthetic intelligence: regulation of body movement and the use of clever hands to change the object's skills.

This intelligent students of the dominant features:

1, sports competitions, outstanding performance. 2, when sitting in a chair, moving around, writhing.

3, like physical activity, such as swimming, biking, climbing, skateboarding, or slip.

4, talking to people, you need to touch others. 5, good at hand, such as carving, carpentry, or sewing

6, like the playground of the roller coaster. 7, it will imitate other people's gestures, attitudes and behavior.

body-kinesthetic intelligence to develop an interesting method

● multi-use body language to answer questions. ● more housework or hand crafts.

● participation in learning dance or sports. ● practice walking on stage in the balance, balance training.

● play riddles and their families and friends of the game, with the body to express ideas, without opening the case and others

● Parents can let children play jump rope, swing, SLIDE, games, swimming or other activities to stimulate the vestibular system, can also play with the children caught marbles, beads and other fine motor development can be trained game.

● bowling, ring toss, basketball shooting training hand-eye coordination.

● feeling in some training activities, feelings of body perception sense. Such as tactile training, let your child touch the hands of some things, talk about their feelings. ● learn the same handiwork, such as weaving, embroidery, sculpture, calligraphy and so on.

● release the pressure, let the body relax. Lie down and take a deep breath, start from the toes, tight muscles and then relax in the same breath

intelligent use of body movement to enhance other methods of intelligence

to improve the music: the appreciation of music as a way of dancing. Note the rhythm of music, style and melody.

improve language skills: reading and writing so that the work associated with physical activity, write the word or spelling literally refers to the time when the finger.

improve logic - mathematical ability: making partitions, shelves or boxes of small items like, you can learn a variety of measurement and calculation math and geometry knowledge.

space to improve: the use of a variety of art materials to improve feel and sensitivity of this capability, such as finger painting and pottery.

improve interpersonal skills: learning magic. Magic not only fast chips, but also for the audience to have a good grasp of psychology, how to spread their attention, how funny they laugh and so on. to improve self-awareness

: for those who help to focus and review their day's activities. Such as running, cycling, yoga and so on.

enhance the natural order: a theme in the vicinity of hiking and walking. Such as walking to the theme of birds to find as many species of birds; or collect leaves and flowers, stuffed.

naturalist intelligence: to demonstrate natural phenomena, science and the animal world and other special interests and hobbies tendencies.

this intelligence for the advantage of students is characterized by:

1, like to go to the zoo, farm, aquarium and forests. 2, like the observation of cosmic natural phenomenon.

3, like learning Yu planet, space-related knowledge. 4, like camping and hiking.

5, good classification of the different plants and animals. 6, it will understand the natural phenomenon.

7, like to keep small animals or planting flowers.

interesting training naturalist intelligence methods

● more close to nature, to read such books, films or listening ● appreciate the nature of the phenomenon, such as insects, leaves, shoots

● planting flowers, Yang Yang animal, note that they are in the process of growing up in different stages of the case.

● lying in the yard, watching the sky, the sky is the color, the shape of clouds, wind, weather is fine, etc., together with the children at night you can see the stars.

● to nature to participate in camping, hiking, take advantage of opportunities to learn new things in nature.

● close to the nature of the process, step by step can also be used several ways to stimulate children's naturalist intelligence.

1, observed: for example, observation of ants, children look carefully, carefully observe the ant way of life.

2, collect: collect information about ants, including the text of the description of the drawing, which allows children to observe the process, we can prove knowledge of books, even books can be difficult to identify lessons learned.

3, Forecast: let the children predict the behavior and possible ant phenomenon.

4, analysis: forecasting, the analysis of the results obtained need to be explained. Also try to analyze different types of ants may have different acts of life

5, communication: will find a variety of ways to express things, let the children come out with a lot of language that presented with pictures, writing, if the child has a different opinion, we must first listen and then to be corrected.

intelligent observer to enhance the use of natural methods of other intelligent

improve physical - exercise in order to: engage in the activities of all exercise, pay attention to things around,UGG Boots, bird sounds, the smell of flowers

or the foot of the soil.

improve language skills: reading novels about nature or animals.

improve logic - mathematical ability: to do a small test of science. Looking in nature and laws of mathematics.

space to improve: attention seen in nature - the color, pattern, texture. Draw like cats, flowers, the most favorite places in nature as copying the object.

improve interpersonal skills: the use of like animals, plants and strengthen contacts with others. to improve self-awareness

: use of natural understanding of their feelings. What would like to walk? Enjoy the natural beauty? Develop plans to protect the environment?

music can improve: Try listening to music out naturally. Piano a lot like water over stones? Percussion make you think of the roof of the rain? Flute sound is not like a bird? You can also use readily available instrumental music - sticks, stones, glass.

