
UGG Boots After the initiative to lift up the wounded man butt found abandoned the vehicle and escap

Yang Mengna the reporter Ling Peng

butt propped up the wounded found each other after the initiative was injured but escaped


Captain Xu Hui told reporters, because Yang Mouzhao things to escape, to bear full responsibility for the accident, according to non-motor vehicle hit and run to the highest standards, Yang was sentenced to administrative detention for 15 days, a fine of $ 500 penalties, but also bear a small Lee's entire medical expenses.

accident man died from a single ATM receipt arrested, yesterday arrested 15

electric car ride butt, fat West Yang quickly propped the injured, the other was injured after the discovery of the escape. Traffic police for fear of being found, he will buy an electric car only a few months away,UGG Boots, but only a few days later he was arrested. Let him not think that is a lock of his receipt of a single ATM machine withdrawals.

However, bank staff told the police, this is a cross-bank ATM transaction, the cardholder information that they can not be found. CUP police and rushed to the province, that this card Bank card. Finally, the police finally found the Bank of cardholder identity information for fat Westerners Yang.

yesterday morning, police arrived at Yang's home, with the help of the local police station, received a Young A mobile phone number. Yang police then called the phone, Yang came to the public yesterday afternoon patrol in a team of surrender. Yang told the police, the incident that night, he rode to Dangtu road electric vehicles, the electric car will be thrown into the bushes, thinking that the traffic police can not find him, did not expect or evade the law.


accident man was detained for 15 days

11 月 19 日 晚上 8 1950 hours together, who lives in Hefei, Department of Lin Yun Road House Area painter Mike cross the road when he was traveling from south to north electric vehicle knocked down. Electric car drivers quickly in the past propped Mike, when Mike can not stand found after the driver ignored the electric car Mike pain, cycling fled the scene.

next day, the public and patrol a deputy brigade commander, Xu Hui Mao Jinchun police arrived with the Agricultural Bank of China Anhui Branch Office, but because banks are moving, the background server can not use all the information is not inquiry. Finally, the police adopt a More than 2 hours later, police finally found a record of this withdrawal.

Hefei, a large group of traffic police patrol the public after receiving the alarm, and Maojin Chun Zhu Haibo police rushed to the scene. No street lights for the scene, Mike did not see the electric car's license plate number. Police expand search, site 56 meters away from the place, found an Agricultural Bank of China ATM cash machine receipts alone. Single receipt is very clean, no rutting India and footprints, the police judge the perpetrators may be left behind.

electric bike butt escape

ATM receipt Single locking suspects


