
Moncler Shop Zhang Yuan and the two parents together

(Reporter Xie Huaxing correspondent Luo Hao, Gu) from Anhui Province, Li Feng (a pseudonym) 10-year-old son was kidnapped on May 10, the other claimed over 50 million ransom. The police investigation, the kidnapping behind the Li Feng's brother, Uncle, and gambling, he just released from prison and Li Feng, 10-year-old son playing the idea, he contacted two fellow Qiaomou together with another fugitive suspects, three people hit it off.

Zhang Yuan and the two parents together.

incident Location: Chang'an Town, Sha Tau Village

parents: I do not know when the abducted child adoption

trafficked time : October 5, 2001

April of this year, to combat trafficking in children, special action has been the case for the branch of a comprehensive sort. Police investigators learned that the suspect has been arrested for trafficking in a factory in Chang'an Town, usha appeared, by this clue, investigators finally caught on May 25 this year, using a fake identity card of a suspect Shu.

a high incidence of cases of child trafficking in Jieyang, Shanwei and other places, but each time disappointed.

5 morning of October 10, Shek Kwu Qiaomou together to deceive the Li Shenzhen, and then they blackmail Lee 500,000 yuan.

8 years after the reunion the birth parents

Zhang Round 7 months old,UGG Sale UK, in the Village Square, Chang'an Town, Sha Tau ya floor double room,UGG Classic, No. 204, was a suspect Shu abducted. 5 o'clock in the afternoon of June this year, and finally in the town, Nanshan, Guangdong Province, Jiexi been successfully rescued, Zhang Yuan was abducted 8 full years and 7 months 27 days.

ownership of the circle for Zhang, two people are made difficult. Zhang Yue Fat, Zhang Yuan is my son, I certainly wanted to bring him back to our side. point of view, most parents are so-called acquaintances and believe the child to his charge, so that the children face the misfortune of being trafficked.

It is understood that, in May this year to carry out special operations since the crackdown, Chang Public Security Bureau cracked 5 cases of child trafficking, arresting suspects Limou Jun, Wang Moutang, Shimou Ming, Hwang 4 people. Zhang Yuan rescue abducted children, Xu Jia (a pseudonym), the other three children were abducted after the incident back.

7-month-old abducted by an acquaintance

case: re-sort to find the abducted child case sixty-one

birth parents: 8 years to find the child hard way

comfort of a suspect on May 25 this year, Chang was arrested. The case is under further investigation.

Police appealed to parents to educate their children not just with strangers, and to strengthen the child's care, do not easily give children a so-called

planners relatives

after trial, a comfortable October 2001 Village Square, Chang'an Town, Sha Tau ya floor double room, No. 204 issued abducted the son of Zhang Yuan Zhang Yue confessed to the crime.

son do not want to call biological parents

reunion time: the evening of 3 June 2009

introduce the Public Security Bureau, according to Chang, Shu a year after the Zhang Yuan cheated, hold to the Houjie, and for the the child's birth certificate, his marriage certificate and other false evidence, lie to the canteen was opened in Houjie Dengmou (adoptive parents are the child's relatives) that the child is his, because too many children, too poor to feed, I hope to have good people for adoption. Dengmou their relatives did not think the boy, he told this news Zhang Yuan's parents now, they reached an agreement with a comfortable, paid a $ 10,000 Shu,

children go from here?

suspects: abducted children, the father of newspaper (Reporter correspondent LIU Qing-feng Yuan Man-photo coverage) chest, could not help but burst into tears ... ...

ransom last set at $ 130,000. May 11 evening, Li Feng, pay to the designated location. kidnapper has 4 times the replacement pay site, and finally set in place a new joint Humen remote trash. 12 am, two men take the money and left.

2001 年 10 月 5, made on Mr. Zhang is a pain a day. Zhang Yue, community development in Sha Tau then opened a restaurant, and soon gave birth to a boy named called Zhang round.

12 am, Mike returned home, he even did not realize he was kidnapped, according to him the characteristics of the suspect vehicle, police in the evening of 24 automotive plants combined will Qiaomou arrested, 28 Japan has captured a hotel in Funan Hu Mouqing. another suspect the police are in pursuit.

after the incident, Chang Public Security Bureau after extensive investigation, but has not been able to find valuable clues.

according to the confession of a comfortable,UGG Tall, investigators removed several cities and counties, have visited Houjie, Zengcheng, Guangzhou City and Jiexi other places,Moncler Shop, and finally in June 1 at 5 pm In JieXi Zhang Nanshan Town, will round rescue abducted children.

but despite his repeated However, Zhang Yuan has not been open, but hiding behind their adoptive parents.

6 月 1 日 晚上 7 o'clock, he received the Chang Sha Tau town police station's phone, said his son found. Last night, Mr. Zhang made the couple came from Sichuan Chang, saw their abducted 8 years 7 months 27 days son of Zhang Yuan.

day of the incident, Zhang Yuan barely seven months, children to Zhang's restaurant. Zhang Yue Fat was the wife did not think they agree with, who knows you have taken the bait.

Deng Zhang Yuan's father, said he stores in his hometown, Jieyang business, life that was rich. Because the boy has not been, do not hesitate to adopt the sheets round, they will circle as their own sheets. Zhang is now a round in the home school, summer vacation, when they went to Guangzhou and live with. Today, Zhang Yuan has been in third grade, results were good.

