
MonclerVillagers because of resettlement housing protest tent is not scheduled to start

(Reporter Shen wavelet) yesterday, the town of Shunyi District Niulanshan downhill Tuncun of some villagers, still draped in the village tents, clean up the village to prevent waste of the construction team the village. They believe that the village in September last year after the demolition, resettlement houses now remain unfulfilled, and if the family had not been Yesterday, the town niulanshan Party Propaganda Department official response, resettlement housing remain unfulfilled, the government will urge the developers to give the villagers compensation, and implicated style demolition does not exist.

some villagers that the replacement housing has yet to be honored, too hasty with the demolition of the original.

niulanshan town party committee propaganda department, said Wang Zhiliang, implicated style demolition does not exist, the villagers misunderstood. He confirmed the niulanshan winery's claims, saying the families did not force employees to sign an agreement demolition.

villagers accused the early demolition

villagers blamed for demolition in advance, Wang Zhiliang said the district government for a

demolition work began shortly after the child incurs some villagers requests for vacation. Mr. villagers straight, his daughter-in niulanshan winery work, because the demolition was flat three-day holiday.

number of villagers said that experience in the demolition process implicated style demolition, many villagers are forced to sign.

villagers said were implicated style demolition

a village to produce the compensation agreement in the show, their own rent subsidies to 13,[url=http://www.sale-ugg.us/]UGG Online[/url],500 yuan. The villagers introduced, rent subsidies calculated according to household head,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk]Moncler[/url], up 300 yuan per person per month, one-time payment by the government 18 months of rental fees. The villagers said the demolition of the former village committee, said after the demolition can be moved within 18 months of replacement housing, the purchase price is 2100 yuan per square meter.

replacement housing sites covered with weeds

resistance tent village construction

number of villagers, said villagers in Tuen downhill niulanshan hundreds of people working winery, in addition to the families of some of the villagers in Shunyi a medium unit. Many villagers said that after

the demolition of the Beijing Municipal Government on the downhill Tuncun approval document said that although the consent of the land into construction land acquisition. But inscribed in time for the December 31, 2009.

niulanshan town government and developers jointly issued a demolition brochures mentioned, the town of Shunyi District Niulanshan downhill Tuncun of resettlement housing construction site, as historians road west of the mouth , Tuen Mun Road east of the downhill, but yesterday, the reporter saw at the construction site, the ground of weeds has been one long high.

villagers said, according to the relevant documents of Beijing in 2009 than in 2010, the demolition demolition in the amount of compensation on the lower, according to the Beijing municipal government's approval, should be downhill Tuncun demolition in 2010, If placed in the room after demolition is not completed within 18 months, the town government will urge the developers to give reasonable assistance to the villagers, rent subsidies will be paid monthly.

■ Focus

villagers to produce a display notice Shunyi District Construction, demolition should be August 22, 2009 to September 20, 2009 to complete the relocation, inscribed in time for the August 22, 2009.

2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the town downhill Tuncun Niulanshan mouth, cement and bricks stacked in a roadblock. Barrier followed by an area of ​​about 20 square meters of tents.

Yesterday, the town downhill Tuncun Niulanshan village, the villagers support from the tent blocked the road and piled with bricks and cement barricades to protest against resettlement housing has not yet started. Our reporter Shen Wavelet photo

one villager said, there is no trace of resettlement housing, and the villagers are not parties to discuss the continuation of rental fee of things, the villagers desperation to make a tent only Dulu decision.

yesterday, niulanshan winery office staff, said Mr. Lee, so that family members of staff are not signed in forced relocation compensation, and to leave only because of the demolition of part of the staff need to move, to provide them with convenience.

villagers said, the end of September last year, downhill Tuncun demolition is completed,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], the villagers have to rely on government subsidies for rental housing, in October this year, the government one-time payment of 18 months rental fee has been almost used up, and the original government verbal promises of resettlement housing remain unfulfilled, so it Dulu prevent spontaneous tent construction.

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