
UGG SaleBoy nursery slippery slides Department of suffocation death , said Dr. Death (Photos)

The child's parents burst into tears.

Core Tip: Yesterday afternoon, a kindergarten in urban coastal park, 4-year-old boy was playing alone at lunch time, slip slide, slide one accidentally tip collar was hooked 20 minutes after being found, resulting in suffocation death. Department of Anhui Province Wenzhou parents new membership.

Wenzhou Reuters this was a sad accident. Kindergarten children slippery slide was originally made happy, but accidentally act as

yesterday afternoon, Wenzhou, a coastal park Jill Kindergarten-year-old boy (a pseudonym), playing alone in the lunch break slippery slides, slide an inadvertent tip collar was hooked 20 minutes after being found, but has purple body was taken to the hospital when antidote. Medical diagnosis, Jill system was reined in the neck collar choking to death.

Jill's parents are from Anhui, workers 10 years to Wenzhou, the coastal zone in the vicinity of a shoe factory to work, only then Jill received last year in kindergarten in Wenzhou, Jill is their only child.

tell the teacher that went to the toilet secretly slip slide

yesterday evening, reporters rushed to the incident kindergarten. Nursery on the first floor of a room, stood many candles, Jill's body lying there.

Mom got home, he was busy over to Mom and Dad took the slippers to wear.

strict teacher's teacher Jill recalls sadly, not need to take care of,UGG Sale, there is no strict teacher to accompany Jill toilet. After a child to see Jill has not come back, strict teacher shouted Jill's name, but did not hear the answer, so he went out to look Jill, and Jill was found lying in the play area on the slippery slide.

strict teacher said, when already 14:25, Jill face was purple, but also slightly swollen, wearing high-necked dress slide the collar back on the hook in the corner of a tip,Moncler Jackets Uk, neck collar and bridle hook, a hand on his chest, one hand pulling back the collar,Moncler Shop, the body tilt lie down on the slippery slide. Strict teacher Jill rushed quickly to hold up to the school near the coastal hospital.

Marina Hospital emergency room Dr. Jin said that Jill was sent to the hospital is 14:43, when the heart has basically stopped, after 40 minutes of the rescue, finally antidote. Hospital diagnosis, Jill's neck was a collar Le at the scene, the cause of death was suffocation death.

nursery facilities for children to play no one old tube

correspondents in this nursery in a circle found this nursery is only one floor, a channel runs through the play area, teaching area , a rest area. After the incident, the school blocked the play area, reporters could not go look, but you can see the rides are very old.

Some of the parents told reporters they had seen the child in the kindergarten play in the play area, next to the zoo staff did not care, they had been told that the zoo is very safe. Jill's parents also believe that nursery staff if early detection of this accident, the tragedy might not happen, this is kindergarten management oversight, indirectly causing the death of Jill, should be held accountable.

strict teacher told reporters that the incident was lunch time, no one kindergarten, but most play area inside the channel, so there is no timely detection.

It is understood that this move of the children are around the nursery for the children of workers, only 20 people a class with a kindergarten and two classes to help take care of it with an aunt. After the incident, Jill's parents have been looking for kindergarten have a say, but no principal there. Reporters in the nursery to see a shareholder claiming to be the nursery, he said that this accident will be held accountable nursery, make the appropriate compensation.

Marina Park police first have accepted the case. At 9 pm, Jill's family, the zoo, police want to view the video nursery monitor the process of the incident, but because of the long useless computer monitor nursery, monitoring is difficult to tune out.

correspondent Yaoyao Yongsheng Li Li

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