
UGG Clearance11 people suspected of corruption, state-owned collective sacked chairman , said corrup

High Court recently in Jilin Province of corruption, bribery, final sentence of the original Jilin Communications Construction Group chairman and general manager Liu Zhongji eighteen years in prison. Thus, in order to pay Jilin Liu Zhongji Construction Group, led by 11 collective corruption case was finally settled. Since October, Changchun City People's Procuratorate of these typical cases in-depth analysis.

Changchun Municipal Procuratorate prosecutor handling the case, said in an interview with reporters, management and state-owned assets supervision and administration of. City Procuratorate. The letter reflected the former Jilin Provincial Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as cross-Construction Group) in the restructuring process, the gold beans Group acquired 60% of its shares (holding more than 30% of the provincial SASAC, 10% owned by the original cross-Construction Group Management Holdings). Kim Bean Group financial accounts in check clearing, we found that the cross was built before the restructuring of the Group under the fourth branch (hereinafter referred to as four companies), there is a Department of Dalian Dayao Bay project, the project department at Dalian Port in road construction projects deficit even more than 1000 yuan. As the restructuring of the project after the officers have been separated, became a deficit of 1,000 million bear no responsibility for the money hole, and this hole is bound to be gold beans group

golden beans mentioned in the letter group, is quite well known cross-province comprehensive private enterprise. The end of 2006, Golden Bean Group With strength and courage, the debt had reached $ 1.9 billion to pay for the construction of group mergers and acquisitions, restructuring of large-scale private enterprises in the province to create a precedent for state-owned enterprises, which was passed in the industry for the elephants.

report letter may not reflect the specific facts of the crime, but the report covers a huge amount, and the matter of restructuring state-owned and state-owned assets of sensitive issues. Services for local economic development has been committed to the Changchun City People's Procuratorate, the weight of the letter to this report certainly unusual.

2008 year, Changchun City People's Procuratorate to make decisions quickly, from the hospital and the city's District Prosecutor's Office investigators two groups composed of investigators around the clues revealed in the letter reporting the investigation.

hidden rules pull big corrupt

prosecutor handling the case from the complex hoping to find a breakthrough in the financial accounts. However, due to cross-Construction Group has been dissolved, the books in question has been destroyed, can be found in the financial accounts is difficult to form a chain of evidence, investigators progress was slow.

investigation Dayaowan project related personnel of the bank deposits,UGG Outlet, the prosecution found that the cashier a particular project department (handled separately) in the Ministry of Dayao Bay project work, has a short period of time several times to exchange the bank card had money, a total of more than 10 million, which is clearly incompatible with their income.

investigators to seize the details for a particular investigation. Soon a particular account of misappropriation of public funds 41,700 yuan project department's crime, and explained the project department of accounting Yan a, manager Wang (are handled separately) corruption crimes.

a particular and Yan, Wang have been brought to justice, to pay off account of the internal construction of both the long-standing and well known some of the suppliers, in order to keep the position, be promoted or to maintain business relationships, holidays, group leaders are scrambling to run home, money to send things, and the amount of money. Group leaders will use their power, by the company from the project funds in the name of the Ministry of extraction, to obtain money or any individual project department, do whatever they want, fishing a lot of benefits.

the industry

clues to the ultimate collection of Liu Zhongji body. Liu Zhongji, a former manager of the company to pay the construction group four, and later was promoted to Group General Manager and four cross-building manager, and later sat down cross-chairman and general manager of the construction

open up lucrative fishing a lot of money

2008 年 3 20 afternoon, two District Prosecutor's anti-corruption investigators in cooperation with relevant departments, will be Liu Zhongji to the Prosecutor's Office. Perhaps my heart well prepared, Liu Zhongji after appearing in court a true account of their crimes.

investigation, Liu Zhongji in October 2004 to February 2007, using as the CCCC group four and group manager of the company's chairman, general manager of his position, under the project to its Head of the fees demanded, the cumulative seven crime, corruption and a total of 302 million yuan.

then, Liu Zhongji is by what means these large sums of money in the bag it?

prosecutor handling the case described, Liu Zhongji major embezzlement of public funds through this several ways:

- ask for co-ordination costs. In transportation construction projects, bidding, contracting is the basic mode of operation. The contract, the contractor had a contract to whom, who contracted the problem. With Liuzhong Ji's words, But coordination is to use the money, no money no way to coordinate. Liu Zhongji is to see the He took advantage of their special status, frequently appear in a variety of coordinating on-site until the time of the incident, more than 200 million have been Liu Zhongji

files show, Liu Zhongji corruption is the biggest sum of money: 2006-2007 February, Liu Zhongji several times to Ministry to ask for projects, totaling 158 million yuan. Liu Zhongji been several times to ask for money to the project department, because the project manager Lee (handled separately) was promoted to group vice president and manager of four engineers before Liu Zhongji that a lot of good things.

later identified, Liu Zhongji corruption and crime in the sum of 7, 4 pen is Up to a 158 million yuan, is also at least 10 million.

- extract the charge back. November 2004 and October 2005, Liaoning Zhao Pacific Insurance Company representative when he found four companies to pay the construction manager Liu Zhongji Group, said that if we can let the project under the Ministry of Liaoning Dan Chuang insurance companies in the Pacific,UGG Outlet, will 30% rebate for Liu Zhongji. See the return ratio is so high, Liu Zhongji did not hesitate, immediately agreed to the deal. Later, Liu Zhongji 21 million yuan will be charged back to the bag.

- the use of subcontracted work to make money. Construction Group, according to insiders pay a long time, within the group in charge of the project, plus getting laughs were all aware of a truth, that is: as long as engineering, will have money to spend. Contracting, contracting can make money, get all the rebates you can make money, even subcontracting work, as long as a hand down, still get benefits.

2004 October, Liu Zhongji Construction Group in pay during the four companies as a manager, responsible for project bidding Dan village, four companies finally won the bid, Liu Zhongji turn subcontracting work to Liaoning Fushun Road Anderson Group. After such an easy resale, Liu Zhongji will Lude Sen Group's pre-tender to four companies of 50 million, ends up personal pockets.

2003 年 to 2007, CCCC Group, led by Liu Zhongji part of the company leadership to focus on the benefits for personal gain on. Since the main intention is not leadership, cross-building group management confusion, low efficiency, long-term arrears of wages, workers complained.

curry favor with the leadership in order not to lose 'golden rice bowl engineer, cashier, is that five project managers and material supplier. Although the final five received sentences of different, but the charges are bribery. The bribes were the subject of Liu Zhongji.

introduced, according to prosecutors handling the case, cross-owned Construction Group was originally a large state-owned enterprises with registered capital of 3.1 billion, employs 4,000, is the province's largest, most powerful, the only a CCCC Group contract, are million yuan more than the large-scale construction projects, hidden inside the great temptation, it is inevitable that dishonest person fascinated.

order to keep leadership, fear of losing this

's Court found that Liu Zhongji bribes basic fact is: 1998 to 2007, as submitted in four companies in the construction group manager and group general manager, chairman of the period, received subordinate units or a total of eight individual bribery, bribery total of 290,000 yuan.

files show that the vast majority of Liu Zhongji bribery during the Spring Festival. According to several people involved accountable, whenever the Spring Festival approaching, the project manager or person in charge began to vie with each other, take turns to Liu Zhongji home visit, thanks, and generally only take cash gifts without gift.

this regard, Liu Zhongji basically accept. Wang Dayaowan project manager, to thank Liu Zhongji its promoted, had two in 2006 and 2007 Chinese New Year, thanks to Liu Zhongji brought charges 40,000 yuan. As another example, the private supplier Wie managed to monopolize Liu Zhongji the four company-owned diesel each project, slag and other materials, supplies, many times during the Spring Festival to thank, to see the name of Liu Zhongji bribes of up to 17 million yuan.

ordered an accomplice under the corruption

2009 年 11 月 5, Changchun City Intermediate People's Court Liu Zhongji guilty of embezzlement, taking bribes and sentenced to imprisonment for fifteen years in prison six years, decided to eighteen years imprisonment to run concurrently, and the confiscation of $ 150,000.

After the verdicts, Liu Zhongji appeal, at the same time, the public prosecutor's Procuratorate in Changchun City, Jilin Province High Court also handed over to the criminal Kangsu Shu. Changchun City Procuratorate protest on the grounds that a sum of 100,000 yuan Liu Zhongji corruption section, no court of first instance held that the fact that errors are found, should be commuted. Liu Zhongji appeal on the grounds that his guilty plea and good attitude, the Court of First Instance sentenced heavier.

original, Liu Zhongji in their daily work, to his subordinates especially the Among them, Liu Zhongji most valued, was undoubtedly the Group Finance Director to pay to build road penta. With Liuzhong Ji's words, In this way, before the Spring Festival in 2006, Liu Zhongji instigate road penta, which project in the province, the Ministry of the company that said, I want to ask the following set. Soon, the words of Liu Zhongji hint of road penta, Jilin project in the Ministry of Construction Group to pay

identified corruption 100,000 yuan Road Pengda no objection, but this amount of money whether it is Liu Zhongji corruption? Court of First Instance that, Liu Zhongji not in the subjective purpose of illegal possession, does not meet the elements of the crime of corruption, abuse of power should be, but the abuses and the prosecution does not meet the standard (Reporters Note: Standard is 30 million). However, it seems in Changchun City Procuratorate, Liu Zhongji way to help this amount of illegal possession of penta, penta way to thank, for their own well the purpose of using the unit unlisted funds, they have a common planned in advance, and are implemented a different behavior, with different division of labor. Moreover, Liu Zhongji played a crucial role. Thus, in this crime, regardless of the two master-slave, as an accomplice of corruption, complicity should bear criminal responsibility.

Not long ago, Jilin Province, the High Court after careful hearing that grounds for prosecution protest, be supported. However, according to Liu Zhongji guilty of embezzlement of the facts,UGG Clearance, circumstances and pleaded guilty to performance, the findings of fact does not affect the first instance sentencing, so still upheld.

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