
UGG ClearanceTo carry vegetable husband wife commit suicide crash

(Reporter Zhang Xuebin intern blue in days) a year ago her husband fell on the scaffold , one year after her husband onto the main road will both want to commit suicide . 7 o'clock yesterday morning , Lingnan Road,UGG Sale, Foshan First People's Hospital, front , a woman 's husband pushed the wheelchair on to the road , claiming that

Police arrived at the scene investigation, medical and nursing staff to arrange a wheelchair on the man returned to the hospital , and the woman taken away for investigation .

middle-aged woman named Chen Haizhen , 36-year- old from Guangxi. She and her husband Li Yongjin 20 years working in Foshan . Li Yongjin a company working in Shunde , last September 13 at noon, Li Yongjin climb the ladder install roller shutters,UGG Clearance, Chen Haizhen said her husband from 4 meters high and fell off the ladder , was unconscious . After admission , due to Li Yongjin is particularly severe brain injury , into the vegetative state ,UGG Online, out of choice but out of an unwise move .

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