
Moncler VestMan convicted of killing lover after a dispute message buried in the Gobi

this end, investigators track activities of Chen Jun recent investigation found that Chen Jun was described discrepancy with the police investigation, the panel found him a major suspect. August 22, the panel decided to take immediate Jun-criminal detention.

case of playback


(people involved in the text are not his real name)

8 24, the panel re-organization of police officers on the three power plant drains salvage, after nearly five hours of fishing, the police were pulled out from the canal a red Nokia mobile phone, as well as a white ring, the latter identified by the technical department of the red phone is dead Mei.


9 28,[url=http://www.hot-jackets.com/]Moncler Vest[/url], reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of Reclamation Beitun, However, because the suspect's cunning, the detection process through twists and turns.

he confessed that at 11:00 on August 17, Jun-driving and his girlfriend Mei Pingdingshan Tunzhen Ring Road in North side of the pier dispute, dispute Mei Chen Jun was down hit the cement baidunzi, and fainted.

police an analysis of the face of the case again, while stepping up the trial of Chen Jun offensive. August 25, Chan finally plead guilty.

8 月 16 日 Tanabata Festival, Mei received a blessing message, Chan asked who sent the message, Zhang Mei said:

confession according to Chen Jun,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]Cheap UGG Sale[/url], the day nearly a hundred police officers, respectively, along the main channel, mountain top reservoir line 182 groups, 184 groups Karamay high library search, found the body.

Chen Jun confessed that he Mei to hold the car, not because of fear of the hospital, and later found dead, ordered his body thrown into the main channel of a key water conservancy projects, and to their goods and some things were thrown into the car four different drains in.

correspondent Machun Tao Zhu Jianbo

8 23, Beitun Reclamation in the salvage group, led by Public Security Bureau Hancheng Yi down to the foot of the hill three plants Pingdingshan ditch salvage.

During the interrogation,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/ugg-coquette-slipper-c-47.html]UGG Coquette Slipper[/url], police officers found that Chen Jun careful of scratches on his right arm, but Jun-account with the police investigation is entirely different. With many years of police experience in handling cases, may boldly speculate Mei killed.

salvage after more than an hour, still nothing.

The next day, the two meet again this message because quarrel. They are not made without a word and, Chan Mei began to use abusive, not only kicking, but also kick its head while chaos. Mei fainted on the spot. Mei Chen Jun will then hold the car, tied their hands with wire and feet with tape wrapped around its entire head up, after Mei buried in the Gobi.

to cover up crimes, Chen Jun in the first account does not completely tell the truth.

evidence, at 9:38 on the 19th Mei distress message sent by cell phone cell phone signal with the signal together with Chen Jun. Police will be targeting Chen Jun.

8 月 19 日 14, the Public Security Bureau of Reclamation of agricultural ten divisions Beitun duty room unit to the Interpol man and a woman, the woman called Ling, men called Chen Jun. Sister Mei Ling said on the morning of August 17 to leave the house to 17:00 pm, my sister received a text message saying: , to two thousand yuan a hard charge to the mountains, and no signal of. Fast alarm to save me, they lied to me. So Ling got her sister's boyfriend came to the police. When the police asked his girlfriend to know whether the current situation of Chen Jun, the Jun-evasive words, looked flustered.

couple enemies

□ Reporter Jiang Lan

messages between lovers because of a dispute, even hard-hearted man killed his girlfriend Fangchen Jun Zhang Mei. To cover up their crimes, not hesitate to use SMS constantly weaving lies.

investigation that; Jun-person character is not good, small-minded, have not revealed their marriage if Mei, Zhang Mei kill the whole family. Twice last year and Mei disputes occur because of emotional reasons for Zhang Mei fight.

that Chen Jun was one by one to find evidence of a crime, but has not found Mei's body.

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