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fruit market around the text together, and family and other villagers are five security for their loved ones as Chen. Paul Chen's fruit farm in the work of hundreds of farmers who find out they are all working women.

he was appointed the chairman of the CPPCC, Zhanjiang, cadres from the departmental level position, but did not stay retired veteran cadres after the rest, but went to the remote contracting 4700 acres Leizhou Peninsula wasteland reclamation plant fruit trees. His fruit farm loss for a whole 10 years, until only a slight improvement in the last two years, he treated all the fruit farm income used to finance college. In order to gather 100 million, he even sold in the city of Zhanjiang, a three-bedroom. He also promised in the future all their own fruit farms to donate all proceeds to go, leaving behind not a penny to their children, and

Paul Chen a red envelope stuffed into a student's hands, eyes full of tears to always say to them:

agreed to lease 2,000 acres of local land to the veteran, for they do mango farm. Paul Chen was elected head of the farm, co-funded by the veteran of more than 50 The next day, so she took her husband Paul Chen Qiao Zhang few cents from Zhanjiang had simply packed up and moved to the Village.

text / reporter Xiao Huanhuan, Kwan Yu

mango market took a plunge after Paul Chen started to adjust the production layout, switching to 1600 acres of sugar cane, 2400 acres of banana peppers and a few acres. 365 days a year, room and board are in the fruit market. Sugarcane lodging resistance is good, even if the growth can be blown down by the typhoon. In 2004, the sugar cane harvest, fruit from this field also began to turn around a year. Previously, he has a full loss of the fruit market for 10 years.

Leizhou village of Mayan cities and towns with yellow source wins three brothers were admitted to the university this year, but his family was poor,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots UK[/url], three facing Paul Chen informed immediately after the generous help finance their brothers and 1 million. Subsequently, the Leizhou government-funded 4.5 million, the community donated 40,000 yuan,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots UK[/url], three brothers, the cost of college has finally been resolved.

wasteland of the journey is not liking. Leizhou Peninsula, wind, drought, water, floods, sea, tide, In 2000, after five years of painstaking steeped, while Paul Chen proudly and confidently prepare for the mango harvest, the command to blow God: cold wave struck, the 2000 acres of mango trees all freeze to death, crop failure.

more pain, can not stop student's pace. Last year, Chen Bao wound retirement savings out of daily gold and the children and alimony to his fruit farm income; gets himself on the set of Zhanjiang Sanshiyiting sold for 2.6 million, collected Qi 100 million. He wanted to live frugally this hard-earned money she saved to reward poor students into college.

His words ringing.

to 1.05 million yuan in total to donate to Paul only to find after the Chen: Even if field has no money to buy fertilizer. But the ones who are smiling, said: children not to leave a penny behind

more than one person is behind Paul Chen said, After less than a comfortable old age retired cadres, but with his wife to a remote wasteland farming Leizhou Peninsula, camped. And now finally have a point mark-up, have a point not to donate to the left of the family the same people. to fame, or would like to go down in history? 'I told them I did not in return, I just do an ordinary party members should do. doctrine struggle for life,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots UK[/url], at the expense of everything. When he said this, many people think he lied, sounding. The face of doubts and outsiders do not understand, Chen Bao believe that action can prove everything.

recalled childhood bitterness, Chen Bao with a sigh: executives in the bank when the eldest daughter, three sons work in the Northeast, four sons when the civil service in Shenzhen, Jinan University, when the little girl in the teacher read the students two grandsons, one also has to study abroad, they have grown up I have someone else the effort.

Chen Paul paused, then recalled the scene when the guerrilla in Leizhou: The Kuomintang comrades killed a dozen people. out of the party members, can be said that the bodies of his comrades from the pile which saved a life, if I then make money, how worthy of the death of comrades? .

and generous.


Even Paul Chen has admitted his position from the departmental level cadres, stepped down, including contracting fruit farm made money all these years, the family penny did not Five children to college, finding a job depends on their real ability, he Come to his people divided into two categories, one is funded by the Paul Chen to come to For those people who have difficulties, especially Paul Chen

2010 college entrance examination, Song won the cold to 673 points Leizhou science scholar, Chen Bao awarded him $ 5,000. Last month, Song, Song cold arms and his father sent specifically to protect Boxie En plaque.

4700 acres of fruit farm business risks is very large, Chen Paul admits to But he always cheer himself: money, or what means the donor college? For this reason, despite the mobility, he was pushing the wheelchair up to the others, on a regular basis to understand the agricultural situation in the fields, looking for official meetings.

snow disasters fruit farm business failure, invested 250 million yuan of funds failed to be implemented, but also to invest more than 50 fruit farms veteran backing out.

the moment when it comes to the masses of cadres in some of the irregularities, Paul Peter somber. Reflect the masses to him: the masses: drink a few cents a pound Haikang rice wine; now, some officials at every turn to stay in the guesthouse, to drink wine. the constitution.

donations to schools of his father's Master Chen said with a smile, his father's fruit farm is a public good from the beginning of the construction of fruit farm, his father so many years in working for other people. Even during the severe loss of his father to borrow money but also contribute students.

He promised to come up less than 100 million per year for students admitted to the University Leizhou reward.

Chen Paul never know what is This is a party standing with 61 years old Communist style. To this end, Leizhou will soon set up a

Paul Chen's fruit farm in the north and Leizhou cents over hill town in a remote wilderness, about 60 kilometers from the Leizhou area, from Zhanjiang city is 150 km.

enthusiastic assistance:

2004, the Paul Chen failed to do surgery lumbar hyperplasia, caused by the feet of disability, can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, allowing him to suffer greatly. In the most difficult times, he owes the debt up to 10 million yuan. During that time, he was in a wheelchair crying, she felt in this life is over.


harvest love:

life a few years? Paul Chen sway with their love, but also gain the love of thousands of folks. Even at first puzzled and even questioned, and predicted that


cursor, to ask him to do charity experience.

the reporter the interview process, the North and the town of Tan Ge kindergarten children saw Paul Chen took to go get on the The villagers saw him approached Wenhanwennuan.

Leizhou people regard him as a family

Paul Peter cleared his family's move did not lead to the opposition, which makes him feel happy. Paul's fourth son, Bo Chen, Shenzhen is now the main a civil servant. In the eyes of the Lord Chan, father of some way to educate their children, but he has done, five brothers and sisters are in the eyes.

why Paul Chen enthusiastic donations to schools? This is related to his upbringing. No money to go to school to study child is his life's pain. 9-year-old from the cattle to the landlord, Dismissed, a small gloss and can only pick Crotalaria make money, often with Fenkuang listen to the teacher in the classroom outside. Teacher to see him eager to learn, Rice promised to remove 6 fight tuition, parents also moved promised to send him to primary school. At this time, Paul Chen has 13 years of age

the presence of more than 50 types of mango led by veteran wants to break a local farmers to get rich way. Paul Chen Leizhou North and then in the town of Sin over hill and found a few acres of barren hills and local idle, so just like the town, and village leaders to discuss the kinds of mango hills rent.

support his father's beliefs

Paul Chen exactly what figure?

He said: / p>

year from now contribute less than 100 million

Paul Chen to five children take the name of the very unique, deeply engraved with the stigma of the times: he gave the eldest son named Chen forever, the eldest daughter named Chen Yu, the second son named Chen Mao, and the fourth named Chen Lord, my daughter named Chen seats, even the names of five children together is

now busy receiving daily batches of people from all over, full life so difficult to have a spare to Paul Chen recalls the eventful years a decade ago. Period of

thoughts go back 16 years ago, in 1994,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots UK[/url], 63-year-old Chen from Zhanjiang City Committee Chairman Paul's positions on retirement. The following year with Zhanjiang Municipal Committee, Municipal CPPCC Xuwen retired cadres to visit the farmers to plant mango, has been greatly inspired.

In fact, Chen insurance industry does not look so beautiful. He had a fruit farm invested 6 million yuan, currently only recover 100 million. However, participation in funded enterprises in Guangzhou and his private feelings very well, it does not pursue the debt.

Chen's two-story house Paul was living like a banana Qingsha Zhang surrounded by forest, living room window is always open . He said that this is to reduce air conditioning use, will donate the money saved others.

At this time, he is more like a kindly old man.

map / reporter Doufeng Chang, Xiao Huanhuan , Kwan Yu

by looking at newspapers, Peter Paul, Jiangsu know there is a

Although the silver-haired head has been covered, but the old man looks hale and hearty. Sister Chen Guiying privately told reporters, Paul Peter who has been wearing underwear set of five or six years.

1931 Paul Chen was born, nearly 80 years old, has 61 years of party standing. He had never heard of

10 years,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG Boots UK[/url], he had exactly the number of students funded, no one remembered cleared up; and he reaches seventy brother still live in rural areas bitterness. Some people say he is stupid, some say he's weird, some say he loved the limelight, he does not seriously.

Paul Peter also prepared recently changed its name to the fruit market, Last year he led the 7 Entrepreneur donations to schools, currently the Leizhou entrepreneurs contribute a total of more than 60 students.

Peter Paul's daughter is now President Chen Jinan University teachers. She said that he fully supports his father Only in the children and grandchildren, Paul Peter will be showing a rare smile, tease grandchildren.

his concerns:

level cadres after retirement wasteland

Paul Chen Jin threw million donations to schools, exceptionally generous, but his family seems exceptionally Chen Ping Chen's brother Paul is 70 years old this year, Leizhou still living in rural areas, life is very impoverished. 60-year-old sister is also Chen Guiying by 1,200 yuan per month pension life, according to Gu Chenguang Paul is her

from the masses and unhealthy

outsiders to understand:

fruit market just started to make money, Paul Chen proceeded to earn money for donations to schools. In 2007, accompanied by the Paul Chen's wife Zhang less nearly half a century before him forever Joe, Paul Chen's charity of the road from becoming extremely lonely.

he is affectionately called by Leizhou

This year, 409 people admitted to Leizhou one, Paul Chen has come up with 105 million reward these outstanding students. However, according to fruit farms person, in fact, this year's fruit farm income is only 80 million. In order to cobble together $ 1 million, Chen Paul Chen I call daughter, her daughter the night with a 20 million from the fruit market in Guangzhou arrived Leizhou.

as on an institution's students and their teachers are rewarded.

then replant bananas, unexpectedly and repeatedly encountered a typhoon. Looked at a few acres of banana sticks Grottoes defeat, Chen Bao tears.

Paul Chen's prestige in the local how high? When Maozei steal wire, Paul Peter a call, to reconcile the village came to live more than 200 people around the Maozei; Peter Paul fruit farm fire, Yin Yeung Village, immediately to the dozens of people spontaneously fire suppression; Leizhou sugar a year to be discontinued, and 300 acres of sugar cane Peter Paul also confiscated finished, Lake Gecun spontaneously to more than 300 people to help cut sugar cane, the oldest has been 80 years old, cut over two days. Spring Festival each year, children will spontaneously to the recipient to his New Year's fruit market, the number too much, Paul Peter did not recognize failure.


Paul Chen wheelchair dearly for this piece of land, and all proceeds on the land for the student. April 1949 to join the party, beginning in 1964, Ren Haikang County (now Guangdong Leizhou) county; Haikang county in 1983 as secretary of Zhanjiang Municipal Committee; November 1992 appointed chairman of the CPPCC, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, fifth, seventh deputies, Sixth National People's Congress. After retirement in 1994, was elected as the next generation of Zhanjiang City, retired chairman of the Association concerned, Zhanjiang, veteran head of the farm fruit market.

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