
Vibram Sale"Liz

“Liz.”,Cheap Vibram Five Fingers



Just ignore him.


Don’t acknowledge him.

“Liiiz,UGG Sale UK!”

He’s not even there.


Doesn’t he ever shut up?!


Guess not.

I turned my head the other way and propped my elbow on the desk, resting the side of my head on my palm so my hair fell down like a wall between me and Mike.

“Lizzi!” This time I felt a poke on my shoulder.

Damn. He just never gives up does he?

I finished jotting down the notes on nuclear energy and started twirling my pencil around my fingers. Maybe one day I could figure out how to blow him up with some nuclear something?


“Shut uuup!” I whispered through gritted teeth.

I heard a sigh next to me then a rustle of papers.

Good. Maybe he’ll leave me alone now!

Another poke on my shoulder caused me to glare at the desk top. If looks could kill, I’d probably have burnt that piece of paper in front of me to a crispy mound of smelly ash.

I swear, if he pokes me one more time…

“LIZ!” Mike poked me again.

I sighed in frustration and slammed my hands down on the desk and turned my death glare to him.

His eyes widened at the intensity of my look but quickly covered it up by asking the stupidest question he could have said at that moment.

“I need your markers,” He held his hand out as if he expected me to just give them to him.

Okay so maybe that wasn’t a question… But still.

“And what makes you think that I would give them to you?”

“Because I need them.”

“I don’t even have them,” I turned back to my paper and started scribbling some random things.

“Yes you do, I saw them!”

I rolled my eyes. He never drops any subject, no matter how silly it is.

I decided not to reply to Mike this time. What was the point in arguing over markers I didn’t even have?

I guess I should give you a little input on this Mike guy. Normally, I wouldn’t get so mad at someone, but this guy was just plain aggravating. Every single day he did something to intentionally piss me off, and for what reason, I have no idea.

“So you’re just not talking anymore?”


“Oh I see,Moncler Coats! Two can play at that game!”

I snorted.

“Uh-huh, yeah, I’m not sure what I did to make you angry, but god, show some love in this world, aye!” he said sarcastically and turned back around.

“Hmm, lemme’ think. Could it possibly be that you’re a self-centered jerk?” I stroked my imaginary beard and squinted my eyes in a mock thinking look.

“No, it’s probably just you.”

“You’d be in a hospital right now if it were up to me.”

Mike raised an eyebrow, “Oh really?” His eyes did a quick scan over me then he said, “I highly doubt you can do so much damage to me. Let’s get serious here.”

Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow, “What’s serious about this? You’re a pitiful little annoying five year old and I’m a mature eighteen-year-old. If you were dead or still alive; I don’t care.”

There was a series of ‘Oooh!’s echoing around the class signaling them listening to our little ‘conversation’ causing me to smirk.

“Wait, wait, wait. Why are you even back here? Don’t you want to be with you’re little cookie smacking little buddy Candy?!” Mike smirked triumphantly as mine fell away and my glare was back.

It was fine to insult me, but insulting my best friend? I think not!

There was another chorus of ‘OOH!’s and ‘BUURRN!’s from the class along with one offended gasp. No guess needed to know who that was from.

Before I could reply with something witty and hurtful, the teacher spoke up.

“Is there something going on here?” She sounded pretty irritated with our little squabble, so to say.

Her piercing gaze made me want to shrink away almost as much as Candy’s laser eye beams directed at Mike did.

I shook my head and Mrs. Perice went back to teaching.

“You can work with a partner on this worksheet, but keep the noise down below a yell,” she passed out double sided worksheets and immediately Candy pulled me to another table to work together.


Candy and I walked down the hallway of the apartment complex to my apartment door.

“So what movie are we going to watch?” Candy asked me and pushed her empty glass frames up her nose.

I shrugged and fished around in my pocket for my keys, “I rented Midnight in Paris if you wanna watch that.”

“Isn’t that the one with Owen Wilson?”

I nodded, “And Adrien Brody!”

“We’re definitely watching that one,Vibram Sale! It sounded really good!” Candy hopped a little in excitement.

I laughed and got the door open, “Well if it has both Adrien Brody and Owen Wilson in it,Beats By Dr. Dre, it HAS to be!”

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes the size of tires.

“Why are you here?! How the hell did you get in?!” I started to freak out on the inside. Mr. Clyde Ulysses was back again. Sitting on my couch. Like he belonged there.

I could tell Candy was trying to see above me, but me being taller than her (and in heeled boots), she was failing.

“You act like you’re not happy to see me!” He looked mock offended and put a hand on his chest. I could see a smile start to curve his lips upward.

Candy pushes on my back, catching me off guard, making me stumble forward a few steps. A few steps closer to this freak that I didn’t want to be.

“Gosh! Who is this?” She added seeing the man sitting casualy on my couch.

He raised an eyebrow at her. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Apparently this is ‘Clyde Ulysses’,” I said looking at him uncertainly.

He smiled.

Did I mention how I was totally freaked out at how he has magically appeared in my house twice today already?

“You’re kinda cute,” Candy said, directing it toward Clyde.

He stood up and walked over and held out a hand to her, which she shook. “And what would your name be?”


He nodded making a lock his jet black hair fall in his deep brown eyes, “Well I was going to tell Malyssa here something, but since you’re here, I guess it can wait ‘till later,” and with that he left.

I just stared at the door confused and aggravated until Candy waved a hand in my face.

“Earth to Lizzi!” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Candy.

“Who was that?” she gestured towards the door.

I shook my head, “No idea in the slightest!” I explained to her what had happened that morning while we sat down at the couch.

“Hmm…” She said thoughtfully, “That’s really creepy. Are you sure you don’t know him at all?”

“100% positive.”

“And you lock all the windows and doors?”

“Candy, I’m not a doofus.”

She laughed, “You’re right. Yeah, I got nothing for you…”

I sighed.

“Let’s watch this movie, aye?”

She nodded and I put the DVD in trying to forget about my new stalker, if that’s the appropriate word to call him.

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