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In my journal you'll find entries about my personal life,Womens Nike Running Shoes, some of my art, photography and reviews about things I like or dislike. Don't be shy to add me to your friends list,UGG Boots UK,- I don't bite and I'll add anyone who isn't an obvious spam-bot.

Thanks for all the fish and for reading my profile.
Cheers, Joos.
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Whee,Moncler Coats, it's Nowhere to Run Week,Beats By Dre Sale! Tonight's Degrassi episodes include Dirt Off Your Shoulder,Coach Bags, pt. 1,UGG Outlet Store, a.k.a. the episode where Imogen throws herself across the room and into our hearts. This girl makes quite a first impression, doesn't she?

Watch the scene where she shoves tampons up her nose,UGG Boots UK, right now:

See that full ep on TeenNick tonight (it's on at 10:30 pm et). In the meantime, OMG your heart out with this !

You all had a LOT to say about Imogen when she at Degrassi. Here are a few of the comments she got back then:

"I think that imogen is creepy and crazy and needs to get her own life instead of creeping up on other peoples lives..." -
"She's freakin crazy but i like that in a sort of strange way." -
"I kind of like her character... as long as she stays away from Eli. She's making him forget that he ever loved Clare and she's a bad influence on him." -

How are you feeling about her now?

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Beats By Dre HeadphonesI left a comment on someone's journal just now that I know will get deleted a

I left a comment on someone's journal just now that I know will get deleted and she will probably ban me. I didn't post it to cause dramaz or hurt. Iposted it because homophobic actions and words ,Dre Dre Beatsneed to be called out when they occur ... especially if they are done by people who are not homophobic. I call people out (all the time,Beats By Dre Headphones!) on using the phrase "that's so gay" for the very same reason. There is no hate or malice directed at those people when I call them out but it is often seen as such. It still needs to be done and I will always continue to do so.
I find it pretty disturbing that you are equating protests about rights being taken away from a minority group with persecution [against your church]. In fact,Cheap Sunglasses, I find that down right offensive. You voted to take rights away from people. Those people were angry and very rightfully so. I would be angry as well if my rights were taken away because a powerful church decided that they had any say in politics or how non-church people lived their lives.
You voted for segregation. Separate is NOT equal. It never has meant equal and it never will. *You* may not be homophobic but your vote was.
Iknow you asked for people to defriend you without commenting but I cannot. I've seen too many irl friends get hurt (physically and emotionally) from homophobic actions or words and I take it upon myself (as a human and future educator) to *never* be silent in the presence of homophobic actions or words.
I still respect you and wish you well. I am sorry you feel hurt and upset by what is happening and hope you find peace.
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Just ignore him.


Don’t acknowledge him.

“Liiiz,UGG Sale UK!”

He’s not even there.


Doesn’t he ever shut up?!


Guess not.

I turned my head the other way and propped my elbow on the desk, resting the side of my head on my palm so my hair fell down like a wall between me and Mike.

“Lizzi!” This time I felt a poke on my shoulder.

Damn. He just never gives up does he?

I finished jotting down the notes on nuclear energy and started twirling my pencil around my fingers. Maybe one day I could figure out how to blow him up with some nuclear something?


“Shut uuup!” I whispered through gritted teeth.

I heard a sigh next to me then a rustle of papers.

Good. Maybe he’ll leave me alone now!

Another poke on my shoulder caused me to glare at the desk top. If looks could kill, I’d probably have burnt that piece of paper in front of me to a crispy mound of smelly ash.

I swear, if he pokes me one more time…

“LIZ!” Mike poked me again.

I sighed in frustration and slammed my hands down on the desk and turned my death glare to him.

His eyes widened at the intensity of my look but quickly covered it up by asking the stupidest question he could have said at that moment.

“I need your markers,” He held his hand out as if he expected me to just give them to him.

Okay so maybe that wasn’t a question… But still.

“And what makes you think that I would give them to you?”

“Because I need them.”

“I don’t even have them,” I turned back to my paper and started scribbling some random things.

“Yes you do, I saw them!”

I rolled my eyes. He never drops any subject, no matter how silly it is.

I decided not to reply to Mike this time. What was the point in arguing over markers I didn’t even have?

I guess I should give you a little input on this Mike guy. Normally, I wouldn’t get so mad at someone, but this guy was just plain aggravating. Every single day he did something to intentionally piss me off, and for what reason, I have no idea.

“So you’re just not talking anymore?”


“Oh I see,Moncler Coats! Two can play at that game!”

I snorted.

“Uh-huh, yeah, I’m not sure what I did to make you angry, but god, show some love in this world, aye!” he said sarcastically and turned back around.

“Hmm, lemme’ think. Could it possibly be that you’re a self-centered jerk?” I stroked my imaginary beard and squinted my eyes in a mock thinking look.

“No, it’s probably just you.”

“You’d be in a hospital right now if it were up to me.”

Mike raised an eyebrow, “Oh really?” His eyes did a quick scan over me then he said, “I highly doubt you can do so much damage to me. Let’s get serious here.”

Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow, “What’s serious about this? You’re a pitiful little annoying five year old and I’m a mature eighteen-year-old. If you were dead or still alive; I don’t care.”

There was a series of ‘Oooh!’s echoing around the class signaling them listening to our little ‘conversation’ causing me to smirk.

“Wait, wait, wait. Why are you even back here? Don’t you want to be with you’re little cookie smacking little buddy Candy?!” Mike smirked triumphantly as mine fell away and my glare was back.

It was fine to insult me, but insulting my best friend? I think not!

There was another chorus of ‘OOH!’s and ‘BUURRN!’s from the class along with one offended gasp. No guess needed to know who that was from.

Before I could reply with something witty and hurtful, the teacher spoke up.

“Is there something going on here?” She sounded pretty irritated with our little squabble, so to say.

Her piercing gaze made me want to shrink away almost as much as Candy’s laser eye beams directed at Mike did.

I shook my head and Mrs. Perice went back to teaching.

“You can work with a partner on this worksheet, but keep the noise down below a yell,” she passed out double sided worksheets and immediately Candy pulled me to another table to work together.


Candy and I walked down the hallway of the apartment complex to my apartment door.

“So what movie are we going to watch?” Candy asked me and pushed her empty glass frames up her nose.

I shrugged and fished around in my pocket for my keys, “I rented Midnight in Paris if you wanna watch that.”

“Isn’t that the one with Owen Wilson?”

I nodded, “And Adrien Brody!”

“We’re definitely watching that one,Vibram Sale! It sounded really good!” Candy hopped a little in excitement.

I laughed and got the door open, “Well if it has both Adrien Brody and Owen Wilson in it,Beats By Dr. Dre, it HAS to be!”

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes the size of tires.

“Why are you here?! How the hell did you get in?!” I started to freak out on the inside. Mr. Clyde Ulysses was back again. Sitting on my couch. Like he belonged there.

I could tell Candy was trying to see above me, but me being taller than her (and in heeled boots), she was failing.

“You act like you’re not happy to see me!” He looked mock offended and put a hand on his chest. I could see a smile start to curve his lips upward.

Candy pushes on my back, catching me off guard, making me stumble forward a few steps. A few steps closer to this freak that I didn’t want to be.

“Gosh! Who is this?” She added seeing the man sitting casualy on my couch.

He raised an eyebrow at her. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Apparently this is ‘Clyde Ulysses’,” I said looking at him uncertainly.

He smiled.

Did I mention how I was totally freaked out at how he has magically appeared in my house twice today already?

“You’re kinda cute,” Candy said, directing it toward Clyde.

He stood up and walked over and held out a hand to her, which she shook. “And what would your name be?”


He nodded making a lock his jet black hair fall in his deep brown eyes, “Well I was going to tell Malyssa here something, but since you’re here, I guess it can wait ‘till later,” and with that he left.

I just stared at the door confused and aggravated until Candy waved a hand in my face.

“Earth to Lizzi!” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Candy.

“Who was that?” she gestured towards the door.

I shook my head, “No idea in the slightest!” I explained to her what had happened that morning while we sat down at the couch.

“Hmm…” She said thoughtfully, “That’s really creepy. Are you sure you don’t know him at all?”

“100% positive.”

“And you lock all the windows and doors?”

“Candy, I’m not a doofus.”

She laughed, “You’re right. Yeah, I got nothing for you…”

I sighed.

“Let’s watch this movie, aye?”

She nodded and I put the DVD in trying to forget about my new stalker, if that’s the appropriate word to call him.

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I will be extending this round through October. Several people have mentioned that they may be able to post their claims today. Mine will be up before the end of the day.

But that is still not nearly enough entries. I wish I didn't have to extend the round through next month,UGG UK, but it's completely my fault for not posting reminders. Maybe that will help give everyone else enough time to get their icons done,Cheap Vibram, especially if I post some timely reminders this time. (*palmface*)

For those that do finish their claims before the end of the month -- or for anyone else who might be interested -- maybe I could run a quick contest? I was thinking about asking you guys to make banners (reminder banners,Vibram Shoes, sign up banners,Beats By Dre Sale, table and info banners,Coach Bag Sale, and/or voting banners) or maybe a JGL-related fanmix? And then have voting later.

Just an idea. I'm trying to come up with something to get people active so that I don't have to put the comm on hiatus. I'll post a poll later this week to see what you guys think, about all of this. :D

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25,Cheap Coach Bags, girl, with a strong passion for foreign languages and travels.
Does have a list of the places she wishes to visit before getting married.
So far she's been to 3.
Give her a camera and she won't stop taking pictures of whatever caught her eyes.
Currenly a student, as well as a bartender,Vibram 5 Fingers, waiting for the chance of her life
but still unsure of what to do,Moncler Women Vest, once she'll grow up.
Music is her light,Beats By Dre, guitar the favourite instrument with which delivering the feelings in her heart.
Dance is her everything, even though fate decided to rob her of it.
Can't sing.Can't swim.Can't go on bycicles.
The worst driver you'll ever met on your streets.
Loves better listening than speaking about herself.
Loves writing, mostly short poems which she'd like too turn into lyrics,
when she'll find the right melody.
Loves working with children, summer rain, spring and bright smiles.
Prefers a hot weather to a cold one, but can't help it and run outside wearing slippers any time she sees the love of her life.
The snow.
Hates dead insects, and could scream her loungs out whenever she sees one,
but doesn't care a bit about the ones still living.
Can't stand bad music.
And the people who act like the sun shines out their ass better stay away from her.

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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Breakfast is ready" you stated in a fake normal voice, your hands slighty shaking as you poured Momiji a cup of tea. "Th-thanks" He murmured, looking down at the table with a beat red face. Of course he's not going to look at me, even with my clothes on You thought smugly as your cheeks burned. Haru eyed you two suspiciously. "What's up with you two?" Hatori asked, the same look on his face as Haru's. You both looked up at him. "N-Nothing!" You then turned to each other, surprised. "That's good. Now where's my food?" Haru asked boredly,obvious that his patientce and care was lacking quickly. You grinned. "Right here!" "Yummy" Momiji said as he dug into his fluffy crepe. "Yeah! And I made yours with bananas and whipped cream! Is it good?" You asked him, smiling crookedly. He looked up at you with a surprised gape. "Er, yeah. Yeah! It's really yummy!" He replied brightly, a massive grin forming on his face. "Mine has blueberries. Right?" Haru asked. "Yup! Mine has gooey cherries with whipped cream and Hatori's has gooey strawberries since they're his favorite!" You chirped with a smile, taking a bite of your crepe. "How did you know they're my-" "Remember when you came an visited us? Me, you, and Auntie made them" You answered, looking into the distance with a soft face. "Ooh yeah. I remember that. Your's and Kana's crepe's turned out perfect. My crepe was crap" Hatori said, a small smile on his face as he looked at you. You looked back and smiled, nodding your head softly. Momiji and Haru laughed. "Heh heh heh Crepe? Crap? That's a good one!" Momiji giggled. You and Hatori smiled softly,Moncler Coats, remembering the memory. That was so long ago, it seems like a lifetime ago. I wonder if it feels that way for Uncle I wondered,Louboutin Shoes, glancing at him. He had already began to eat again, although the smile on his face was still there, even though he tried not to show it. Your smile grew a little bit more as you began to eat too, happy that Hatori wasn't sad.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Momiji*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "I love Saturdays don't you Ai?" I asked as we walked, our arms linked, towards the city. "Yep! Aww Akito, everyday is basically Sunday for you isn't it!? That's not fair" Ai pouted at Akito who was on her side. "Yeah, but it get's pretty boring after a while" Akito replied, looking down at Ai with a small smile. She smiled back. "Mmmmm...So where are we going? Out to eat? Or shop? Or the park? Or for ice cream?" I chatted, grinning as Akito sighed. "You talk too much and too fast" He muttered, making Ai giggle. " Hmmm...Let's go out to eat! Where would you like to go Akito? Momiji?" Ai asked, looking first at Akito and then me. Akito looked up a little, his eyes a little wider than usual. "I don't...really know. I've never eaten out before" Akito admitted, looking back down at Ai with a apologetic smile "That's ok! We'll take you to the best place in town!" I exclaimed cheerfully, a wide smile on my face. "Where's that?" Ai and Akito asked at the same time. "Hmmmm...Sanoko's! But they're extremely expenssive, plus everyone dresses really nicely-" "Alright then! First we'll go shopping for a new outfit each and then we'll go there!" Ai stated, turning down a different block and heading for the mall. "How can we-" "Afford that? My daddy's visa" Ai answered, giggling as she took out a thin strip of gold. I grinned and she giggled before pulling us into the humungous shopping center for goths to preps, emos to nerds, sophisticated to trashy. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "How's this outfit?" Ai asked as she walked out of the dressing room. Both me and Akito gasped slightly. (The blonde of course except you're way tinier) "You...It's...wow" I sputtered out, blushing as she gave me a breath taking smile. "Thanks. Are you two ready?" She asked, pulling all her tags off and handing them to a clerk along with her credit card. "Yeah" Both Akito and I answered, standing up in our black pants and white collar shirts. "You have the ties on, where's the jackets?" Ai asked as we walked out of the store. "We decided that would be too much" Akito said, almost grinning. "Is this the place?" Ai asked as we stood in front of a huge building, a red carpet pulled out on the walk-in. "Yep!" I answered, taking her hand and pulling her in. "Velcome to Zanako's" A man said with a smile. We smiled back. "Hello" "How many een your varty?" "Three" "Zis way" He said, turning on his heel and heading towards an elevator. When it opened Ai giggled. There, standing next to the level changer, was an extremely short man with a puckered face wearing a red uniform. "Zird level pleez" The man gave a curt nod before pulling the lever down. Ai clung to my sleeve. "I've always hated elevators" She whispered, hiding her face in my sleeve. I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "Third floor" The midget announced, his voice tired. We all smiled at him as we walked by. "Thank you" "Thanks!" "Merci bou que" The man's face lit up a little and he smiled, pulling the wrinkles on his face up. I couldn't help but giggle. "Heeer ve are, I vill be back to take your order in a vittle vile. Vat would you like to drink?" The man asked, taking out a notepad. "Sweet tea!" "Uhn lemonide si vous plait" "Rasberry tea please" "Very good" The waiter said, bowing as he left. "Wow this place is really cool!" Ai murmured, looking up at the angel-mosaic-covered ceiling. "I like how that angel is laying on that cloud. He just looks so peacful and carefree" Ai said dreamily, resting her face in her hand. "Me too" "Yeah" I glanced around, looking at all the snobby overly-dressed people eat. "I bet ten dollars there's not a single peson besides us who hasn't had plastic surgery" I whispered. Ai giggled and Akito smirked. "Hmmm....What do we want to eat?" Ai asked, opening her menu. "I think I want..the lassanga. I had it last time and it was delicious" Momiji decided, folding his menu and laying it aside. "I'm going to have......Mmmmmmm.." Akito trailed off, looking at the menu. "Hey Akito, wanna share the nacho supreme?" Ai asked, not looking up from her menu. Akito smiled and nodded. I couldn't help but chuckle. "What? What's so funny?" What's so funny? A month ago Akito would kill anyone who asked if they wanted to share food. He never smiled and never thought about laughing, but now... "Ooh noothing!" I said in a sing-song voice, smiling as the waiter came back. "Vay I take your ozer?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "This is really good" Ai moaned as she pulled a gooey cheese, gwakamoli, onion, sour cream, and tomato covered chip out of the humungous mound. "It is pretty good" Akito agreed, delicately taking out a chip as well. "Would you like to try mine Ai?" I asked, holding my fork up to her. She smiled cutely and leaned closer, her mouth open. "Mmmmmm that's really yummy" She groaned, leaning back in her seat and moaning to the ceiling. "Hmmmmmm...Know what? We need to find Haru a girlfriend. He really needs one dontcha think?" Ai chatted happily, eating her food. I choked a little and looked at Akito, afraid of what he would do. He's acting....calm?! "ER, y-yeah. He does need a girlfriend doesn't he.." I said nervously, still glancing at Akito. "Yep! Maybe she could cure his black side" Ai said grimly,Moncler Online Shop, shivering. Akito chuckled. "Yes, maybe. You better keep an eye out for one. She'd have to be gorgeous, smart alleck-y, and calm most of the time but have an edge to heR" Akito commented, taking a sip of his iced rasberry tea. I nearly fell out of my chair. He's ok with this!? He's agreeing with her!? What!? Ai smiled . "You too Akito,Moncler Down Jackets! We need to find someone for you too! Hmm...You and my cousin would most definately get along, people say she's a betch when I'm not around, but I don't really believe them. She's the head of our family like you!" Ai continued,Beats By Dre Headphones, sipping her lemonaide. Akito blinked twice and I giggled. "What? I'm serious! As soon as we get home I'm calling her!" Ai declaired, making a fist in determination. Akito groaned and layed his head on the table. "That reminds me Ai, your...er,......The woman who's married to your dad called yesterday." I informed Ai who frowned. "Really? What did she want?" Ai asked, lying her fork down. "She wouldn't tell me, but she said she'd call back again eventually" I replied, frowning as well. "Oh. Well, ok then!" Ai said, changing her entire expression and voice. She's faking *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Ai*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I smiled sweetly at Momiji and began to eat again as if nothing was wrong. Eventually he sighed and continued to eat, his gaze shifting away from me. I slowly chewed my food, deep in thought. Why would she call? What reason would make her call?! She hates me! She wouldn't even let me go to their wedding! I sighed heavily in my mind as I picked up a scoop of gwacamoli. I know she'll call back. Until then I'm just going to have to enjoy every minute of my wonderful life here, with the people I love most. Akito, Torhu, Haru, Uncle, Kisa, Yuki, Ritsu, Kagura...Momiji. I glanced up at him to look at his pretty little face, his creamy skin, his golden eyes, his sun colored hair. I sighed softly, hoping to God that my new 'mummy' wasn't calling for the reason I thought she was. What if...What if they want me to move back or something? Would I be able to do that? Momiji looked up at me and smiled, just as something warm incased my hand underneath the table. Momiji's fingers intwined with mine as he squeezed my hand, a secret made-up sign language that meant one thing. I love you I squeezed back and smiled, my stomache wrenching. If I did have to chose, would I chose my father or the love of my life?

Hehehehe Hi! Please add this to your favs and vote FIVE and add me to your friends list please please please!!

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1. My full name is SUPER obnoxious and long,Moncler Coats

2. I love horror movies but hate being scared

3. I started Once Upon a Bed of Roses 6 years ago and just finished it in december

4. I've already started its sequel

5. I have this weird facination with middle names. I think all characters should have a middle name that suits their first otherwise it throws off the balance of things

6. I like lists

7. My favorite movies generally have Winona Ryder in them

8. V for Vendetta is my ABSOLUTE favorite movie

9. My birthday is the fifth of November (related to #8)

10. I came onto this site on a different name in 2007 and read over 100 Draco Malfoy stories

11. I'm sort of madly in love with Ewan McGreggor and Neil Patrick Harris

12. I like blue cream soda. I think it's crack through a straw.

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21. I think I skipped #16 but I don't feel like checking. Or fixing it.

22. I'm still in shock and awe that 120 people have read a chapter in my story. I have never had that many people read my shit before.

23. I'm wiccan.

24. I think Aaron Tveit is delicious. If you dont know who that is go look up next to normal on the youtube machine. he's the delicious one.

25. I'm a die hard romantic but I don't show that side so much. Because... Sarcasm is more fun :D

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says trust is at the top of the list of what guys and girls both say is the most important part of a relationship -- and honesty is second. What's at the top of the "healthy relationship" list for you? And... what does that mean for A&J?

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Shows/Book Series/etc. (but not necessarily in this order):

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
How I Met Your Mother
The Vampire Diaries
The Big Bang Theory
The Hunger Games
Dead Like Me
Harry Potter
The Office (US)
Y: The Last Man
Battlestar Galactica
Parks and Recreation
America's Next Top Model
Avatar: The Last Airbender


Mohinder/Sylar, Peter/Sylar, Peter/Mohinder/Sylar, Peter/Emma, Elle/Adam, Niki/D.L., Hiro/Charlie, Elle/Claire,Vibram Five Finger, Peter/Hesam, Matt/Peter, and Peter/Mohinder

Harry Potter:
Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione/Ron

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith, Willow/Xander (pre S3), Willow/Tara (pre S6), Willow/Oz, and Xander/Anya

Cordelia/Doyle, Angel/Cordelia, Gunn/Fred, and Lilah/Lindsey

Inara/Mal, Zoe/Wash, Jayne/Simon, Simon/Kaylee, and Jayne/Kaylee

Rachel/Marco and Jake/Cassie

Joey/Rachel, Monica/Chandler, Ross/Joey, Phoebe/Monica, and Phoebe/Mike


Battlestar Galactica:
Athena/Helo, Gaeta/Eight, Gaeta/Baltar, Adama/Roslin, Lee/Kara, Kara/Sam, and Dee/Billy



Y: The Last Man:

The Office:
Jim/Pam, Michael/Jan, Andy/Erin, and Michael/Pam/Ryan

Dean/Tessa,Nike Running Shoes, Dean/Castiel, Dean/Lisa, Dean/Henricksen, and Sam/Madison


Troy/Annie, Troy/Annie/Abed, and Jeff/Britta


Foreman/Cameron, Chase/Cameron/Foreman, House/Cuddy (pre S6), and Thirteen/Kutner

Will/Sue, Tina/Mike, Tina/Puck, and Sam/Mercedes

The Vampire Diaries:
Tyler/Caroline and Stefan/Elena (pre S3)


Parks and Recreation:

The Hunger Games
Katniss/Gale and Katniss/Peeta

The Big Bang Theory
Howard/Bernadette and Howard/Bernadette/Raj

How I Met Your Mother
Marshall/Brad, Lily/Barney, Ted/Barney, and Barney/Robin (pre S7)

Sean/Christian, Julia/Olivia, and Sean/Julia/Christian

Fanfiction Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor shows that I write about and include in my fanvids. They belong to the shows' writers and/or creators.

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Monster StoreCharlotte tapped her little size-6 foot daintily on the ground

Charlotte tapped her little size-6 foot daintily on the ground, waiting for her father to put her luggage in the cab so she could be off to wherever she had to be. Oh, that's right...New York.

New York was supposed to be a scary city. Charlotte knew it. She had watched TV and read books and glanced at the newpapers in the mornings. New York was a nightmare. It wasn't clean, or neat, or orderly. It was chaos. And if there was one thing that Charlotte didn't like, it was chaos.

"There you go Char, all ready for the airport," dear old dad said. Charlotte ran her hands through ehr brown hair, flashed him a sad smile, and got into the cab holding a copy of Anna Karenina while dreading the very moment she would have to set foot in the sinful big city.

* * *

Chase never really cared much as to how women wanted to be treated. They were just cute, and hot, and,Vibram Shoes, well, nice to play with. Especially the ones with the nice bodies. Especially those.

Chase had remarkably good looks. He had crisp, sparkly blue eyes from his mom, and a tall, lean, and muscular body from his dad. His smarts weren't too bad either. Chase knew he was gorgeous....he just didn't like to use it for good.

"Hey cutie," Chase said, stepping up to a redhead outside of the local cafe. She blushed and turned away from him and hobbled down the street. Chase shook his head. 'Girls...they're so weird sometimes,' he thought to himself as he pushed open the door to the cafe. Time to make his magic.

* * *

After an hour or so flight, since Virginia wasn't that far away from New York, Charlotte had finally reached her destination. This was the big apple, and it was exactly what she had expected.

New York City was pretty....it it's own way, but it looekd sort of drab with broken street lights while time square was buzzed with shiny lights and millions of people. Other corners got no respect it seemed. It reminded Charlotte a lot of herself.

Charlotte was staying with her aunt Vicky, having no where to go during the summer, her parents had decided to ship her off here. It was an adventure in it's own of course. Charlotte would've like to seen the Statue of Liberty, and aunt Vicky had promised to take her there.

When the cabbie dropped her off at aunt Vicky's condo and Charlotte had knocked on the door, it was quite a sight to see. Aunt Vicky was a heavy spender who indulged on unecessary things. She favored cigars over all of them though.

"Charlotte, dearie, I haven't seen you in forever,Moncler Online! Look at how much you've grown,Beats Headphones!" Aunt Vicky exclaimed. She was happy, even with a cigar that could kill her in her mouth.

Charlotte smiled. "Hey aunt Vicky, I think I'll just drop my stuff here and be back around 10:00 or so?" she said. Anything to get away from her crazy aunt. Anything. Even the dump people called New York City.

So, with 20 bucks in her pocket, her cell phone forgotten in her bag in aunt Vicky's condo, and a nervous heart swimming around inside her chest, Charlotte headed out to see New York City.

About half a mile into the walk, Charlotte stumbeld upon a quaint little cafe. The name was a bit French like, so she couldn't pronounce it. She walked in. Maybe this would be the highlight of her summer trip to New York instead of the suburbs.

The inside of the cafe was cute and chic. It had white walls with tiny little roses dotting the top and the bottom. They ran in rows. The cafe had a pink, white, and a bit of a silver theme in it. It was all very girly, and French-y, so Charlotte was surprised to see a guy in a table in the far back...especially when he stole a glance at her.

* * *

Chase did one look at the girl that had just walked through the cafe doors and did a double take. She was hot. Really hot. Tall, blonde, nice legs, and....she kinda looked dumb.

'This is gonna be easy,' Chase thought to himself. He chuckled and rubbed his hands together. Looked like this girl here was going to be his new girlfriend. Sweet.

The bell of the cafe jangled again and brunette entered the cafe. The girl looked average, normal, kinda sweet. She wasn't from New York, Chase could tell. Although she wasn't Chase's type, she was still cute. Maybe he could work on her if his attempt on the blonde failed.

"Hey, you, can I offer you a drink?" he asked the blonde who he had been eyeing. The girl giggled and nodded as she shooed the friends who had been there before her away. Easy, just like he thought.

* * *

About 30 minutes later, Chase had found out her name was Yancy, and her phone number. Since she had to leave, Chase escorted her to her car...and after she left, he had dashed back to the cafe.

It was back to picking up another chick. Chase ordered a frappuccino and flirted a bit with the waitress. The brunette he had saw earlier was still in the cafe. He could try to charm her next. Maybe he might even get a kiss.

"Would you like some pie?" the waitress asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Sure," Chase replied, and winked at her as if they were sharing an inside joke. The waitress blushed and ran into the kitchen to geth im some. Chase laughed a small little chortle and turned his attention back to his frappuccino.

He was about to turn to his side to head to the brunette. But to his surprise, she was right there beside him.

* * *

Charlotte couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. Who exactly did he think he was? She knew she shouldn't interfere, but to just sit by and do nothing was even worse.

"Hi, nice to meet you,Coach Bag Sale, the name is Charlotte, and what the heck are you doing, flirting with that waitress while your girlfriendjust left the cafe, hmm?" she asked, an angry look popping up immediatly.

"I'm not dating her," the guy next to her said, and took a sip of what looked a like frappuccino. He did it calmly too, which made Charlotte want to go wild.

"So? You're just a jerky player!" she screamed, loud enough for more than half of the customers in the cafe to hear. Well, oops.

* * *

This cute, sweet,Monster Store, little brunette did not just scream that. Now none of the girls in this cafe would even look at him. Crap.

What was even worse? The brunette was still running her mouth, yapping yapping yapping away. Chase had to make her shut up. So, he did it the only way he knew he could.

He kissed her.

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5 Fingers ShoesThe Underground King was not as happy to see me as he normally is

The Underground King was not as happy to see me as he normally is, and I don't know if its because he was expecting I'd forget about the piece, or because of his unexpected guest.

He was there. He was there, and I thought for a moment that I must be imagining things. I must be in faery land, for him to be standing there. He looked solemn,5 Fingers Shoes, and his eyes still shine even with no light.

He did not look at me once, not directly, but with my back turned,Monster Beats, I could feel him staring at me.

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